Chapter 2: Island of Thoughts

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The class in Yen Liu Pang Martial Arts School is over, so the Prodigious 4 consists of Wei, Tian, Tsun, and Sung can be seen outside the school. Mei Mei, Sung's sister arrived at the school to fetch his brother.

Tian: C'mon, let's hike in the mountains. 

Wei: I feel lazy, can we just go to the field?

Tsun: Yeah, Wei's right! We should just go to the field. What do you think of that, Sung and Mei?

Sung: I think Wei's suggestion is just fine. Besides, we have a very hectic schedule. 

Mei Mei: I also think Wei's right, we should just go there, brothers!

They decided to just go to the field.

Tian: Sung, do you know how to play soccer?

Sung: Of course, I know how to play soccer. Its my only chance to study. Tian, what's your position in the team?

Tian:  Midfielder. How about you?

Sung: Goalkeeper and midfielder, but mostly I'm the goalkeeper for our team.

Tian: Yes, I now have a playmate! These two doesn't know how to play.

Sung: Really?! Mei Mei almost all the sports. Well, its a bit embarrassing to admit, but she taught me how to play soccer.

Tian: Really, Mei Mei?!

Mei Mei: Yes, my elder brothers!

Tian: Mei Mei, how many times do we have to tell you to call us by our names?

Tsun: Tian's right Mei Mei! We are in the same age, am I right? We are both fifteen years old.

Mei Mei: Sorry Tian Men, Chan Wei, and Tsun Koh! :(

Tian: Its okay Mei Mei! Hey, don't frown or else I'll be sad too.

Mei Mei smiled so Tian became happy too. They rest for a while to have a conversation.

Tsun: My friends, read this!

Tian, Wei, Sung, at Mei Mei: Island of Thoughts?

Tsun: Yes, Island of Thoughts. I hope someday we can go there altogether.

Wei: I have an idea!

Tsun: What is it?

Wei: Let's promise that we will see each other in Island of Thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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