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Sanem made sure they were no vehicles around them

to speak the following words.

"This is your real punishment"

placing his free hand between her thighs

"I totally forgot............. 

to put my panties on"

The truck swirled from left to the right,

Can had reluctantly removed his hand from between her thighs

to have more grip on the steering wheel

and steered the truck to the side of the road and parked it there.

Can hit once the steering wheel before he looked at Sanem

who was sitting dead calm next to him.

"Are you crazy, we could have been in an accident!"

Sanem folded her arms, "Yes and who's fault would that be, 

I am not the one who is driving,

haven't they taught you 

to let you get not distracted while you're driving?"

Shaking her head in disapproval at him of his bad driving skills.

Can stared at her in disbelief, 

"You know I hate you a little now, don't you!" (liar)

Sanem shrugged her shoulders "As if I care, Can!" (liar)

Sanem was wiggling a bit in her seat,

placing her bag back by her legs,

so his eyes soon followed her movements to rest by her thighs.

When Sanem had put his hand between her thighs 

he hadn't had the chance to feel her not wearing panties.

"Are you really not wearing panties right now?"

"If you had been driving safely you had known by now 

but well with your driving skills, it's a question unanswered"

"Did I mention earlier I hated you a little, 

it turned just now into a little much more!"

Sanem had to laugh at his distress, Can glared at her.

"Beautiful little vixen, this is hopefully my last punishment?"

"That depends on how you behave"

Sanem looked at him with a slight pity in her look.

"Would you like to feel between my thighs so you know for sure?"

Can shook with his head so often yes 

that almost his head came loose.

Sanem took his hand and placed his hand between her thighs,

moving his hand up until she trapped it 

just before Can reached his goal,

"Naaaaa, I think it's so much better to leave it at your imagination,

Double Pain, Double PleasureWhere stories live. Discover now