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Dani POV:

Today is another day and we've been here for the past months, now. It's Thanksgiving today and I'm in the kitchen helping maids prepare tonight's big dinner but I've been feeling kinda funny all morning, well sick I guess. I have the urge to throw up but I just can't. I was currently making deviled eggs when Georgie comes running in. "Mommy, Mommy!" He says. I smiled at him ,kissing his forehead and said "Good morning sweetie!"

"Mommy what are you doing?" He asked. I smiled at Ms.Linda and Carol (the maids) and said "I'm helping them prepare tonight's dinner!" "Oouuu, will it be good?" He asked. I nodded and said "It sure will!" "Oouu ouuu ouuu, and will there be a big turkey too?!" He asked excitedly. "There sure will! Come on let's sit you up on the table so you can eat breakfast for today!" I said picking him up and sitting him at the table as Ms.Carol sits a plate in front for him to eat. He then began to eat his breakfast. Just then Gregg comes from down stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning everyone!!" He says with a smile on his face. "Good morning Daddd!!" Says Georgie. Gregg walks over to Georgie, kisses his forehead and rubs his head. "Good morning Champ! Are you ready for some turkey tonight?" He asked. Georgie nods his head in excitement. "That's my boy! How about you finish eating , I have a surprise for you okay? " Gregg says. Georgie says "Okay!" And began to eat. Gregg walks over to me and kisses me. "Good morning baby girl!" He says. I smiled and said "Good morning handsome!!"

I then hold my chest in pain as it aches, "Baby are you okay??" He asked in worry. I nod and said "I'm fine, I'm just feeling sick or something all of the sudden." He nods rubbing my back and says "Maybe you need to lay down at bit or something but eat something first!" I nod and Gregg and I both sat down at the table with Georgie as Linda give us our plates. We then began to eat. "So for tonight's Thanksgiving dinner, it's gonna be kinda packed here!" Gregg says.

"Packed? What do you mean? Who's all gonna be here?" I asked. "Umm, well My sister , her husband , their kids, Some of my friends, Cousins, Aunts and Uncles and Alejandro and Elizabeth!" He says taking a sip from his orange juice. I looked at him like he was crazy and said "Wait did you say Alejandro and Elizabeth?" He nods his head and said "I did, correct!" "Nigga is you smoking crack or something? Why the hell would you invite Alejandro over?!" I said In a dark tone. He looks at me and says "To discuss the family business besides my lawyer will be coming by after dinner, so all of us will be talking about it In my office."

Later on that night it was time for everyone to arrive. Ms.Linda and Ms.Carol we're currently setting up the table full of dishes and and silverware . Everyone was getting dressed and I kept having the funny feeling again to throw up. I walk downstairs to see Gregg and Georgie. "Daddy, do I get to see my surprise now?" Georgie asked. Gregg chuckles and says "Sure you do bud, give me one second!" Gregg walks out the room and comes back with a huge box with holes in them. He sits the box on the ground and pulls out a camera. "Okay open it!" Gregg says.

Georgie walks over to the box and slowly opened alit and gasps. "MOMMY LOOK! I got a puppy!!" Georgie says trying to pick it up. I smiled at him and the cute little dog. Gregg picks the golden pup up and says "Isn't he cute?" Georgie nods and says "What kind is it?" "It's a Golden Retreiver!!! He's gonna grow up to be big and strong like you and play with you all the time!!" Gregg says. "Really?" Georgie asked. "Mhm! What do you want to name him champ?" Gregg asked. "Mmmmm, I'm going to name him Max!!" Georgie says hugging the puppy.

Moments later after settling in with the Puppy, all our guest were arriving.

Everyone just finished eating dinner and Gregg and his family were about to head upstairs to his office to talk about the family business but then I felt very very sick. I can tell my face was turning pale. Gabby ( Gregg's Little sister) who I haven't seen in YEARS looks at me and says "Oh my gosh, Danielle sweetie are you okay?" She stands up and walks over to me, I slowly shook my head. Everyone looks at me in shock and fear, Gregg runs over towards me and says "Baby what's wrong? Do you need to lay down?"

Just then I immediately run to the bathroom and started throwing up in toilet with Gabby and Gregg behind me. Gabby says "I'll go the store real quick!" And runs out the room. Gregg started rubbing my back. 30 minutes later comes and Gabby came back. "What took you so long?" Gregg says with an attitude as I was sitting on the toilet rubbing my head. "I had to get some stuff for her!!" She says. Gregg looks at what all she bought and asked "Is this a pregnancy test!?!?" "It's actually two of them!!" She says.

"Wait you want me to take a pregnancy test?" I asked. She nods and says "Well take take both, you never know if you maybe pregnant or not unless you try!" I sighed and said "I haven't took one in so long!! But let's just get this over with!!" After they walked out the bathroom I close the door for me to take the test. Moments later I walk back in the kitchen with tears down my eyes and looked at everyone as they looked at me. Gregg walks up to me and says "What is it babe?" I smiled and said "Were having another baby!!" Everyone started screaming and clapping excitedly as Gregg picks me up and swings me around kissing me. Just then everyone started taking pictures of us.

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