Intruder In My Mind

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I stood on the ledge, tears streaming down my face and stinging whenever the cold air whooshed past. I didn't want to be up here, but I coudln't get down either. He was keeping me here, I don't know how, I don't know how he kept me here or why he wanted me on the ledge. I didn't want to, god I didn't want to fall.

How had he gotten into my home? I hadn't even seen him. I had been in the kitchen, making a before bed snack to help me sleep tonight and he had just kicked my door in. No warning, no yelling just the screeching sound of my door being ripped off it's hinges and the heavy foot falls as he walked towards me.

I had wanted to run, but I had frozen in shock when I heard my door crash to the floor then when I had finally found the courage to run I had only gotten a few steps before I felt him in my head. Holding me to the spot and whispering for me not to struggle against him.

At first I didn't struggle, that's what they usually tell you to do when you're being held hostage. Right? Not to struggle and to do as they say, that way you have more of a chance of surviving. I never thought he would do this to me though.

Now that I'm here I don't know if it was a good idea to not struggle, he had moved me so easily out side, making me open my sliding door and move out to the small patio outside and onto the ledge. And here I am now, 8 stories above a busy street. The wind buffering me as I stood against the dark sky, the man controlling me hiding in my shadow. There but not seen. No one would know he had been the one to do this to me, they would only see me. Falling to my death, and they would think the same thing they think about every other jumper. "Poor thing, guess life finally got to them..." I wasn't a jumper! Someone, please see this! I don't want to be here, I want to be back in my house, sitting on the couch watching TV like normal.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, my voice hitching in both fright and cold. I twisted my head to the side feeling my lose hair slap me in the face. I could barely see him, he blended in so well to the dark wall behind him. He didn't say anything, just tilted his head to the side causing the light from the kitchen to slash across his face. The effect was gruesome, lighting up his twisted features into someone almost In-human. He smiled, his mouth a harsh slit that reached up to his ears and baring sharp pointed teeth that I hadn't seen before.

He took a step towards me and I felt his laughter in my head and his smug contentment, he knew I was under his power and helpless to fight back...and he was loving it. I could feel it coming off of him, his love for my fear. Anger briefly flashed threw me before fear over took me again when the wind picked up suddenly, causing me to sway unsteadily on the ledge. A scream toar from my throat and I whipped my head back forwards and down to the deep blackness underneath me, only lightened by the cars zooming past. If I feel from here I would never survive, there was no way. Either I would hit the pavement or I would hit a car, there was no way I would be able to luck out of this.

Terror grabbed me and I gripped harder with my bare toes, holding on for all that I was worth until I thought for sure my toes where bleeding from the harsh concrete that teared at my soft flesh. I moved my head slowly, since it was the only thing I could really move, beside the frantic gripping of my toes. He was closer now, having moved when I had looked away.

"Please, don't do this to me." I pleaded. He smiled again causing tremors to rush threw me.

"What's wrong Tiana? Afraid of little old me?" He asked, his voice growling on the last three words and his eyes flashing an unholy red. I swallowed telling myself to speak and finding that my voice was gone now as well. He laughed at my panicked expression. " Come on then, tell me to let you go and I will. All you have to do is say so." He said teasingly, his smile still stretching his face but his eyes held no laughter. Only seriousness, almost like he wasn't really enjoying himself and was instead just going threw the motions.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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