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I just love block parties—the smells, the food, the people ...

Can't wait t' eat 'em all.

Ooh, good, the sun's goin' down. Came just in time. Always better t' come out at night—makes 'em more afraid. And I can hide in the shadows ...

Okay, so let's see what I'm dealin' with here. How I love stakeouts ...

All right, then ... There goes little Jimmy on his scooter—and he fell! Ha! Stupid kid. Yeah, go cry t' yer mommy, yuh freakin' baby. The helpless are so easy t' get ...

Lotta kids out, actually ... Sure do love their bikes and Rollerblades.

Bop ... bop ... bop ...

The hell? Of course I have t' turn around ... Oh, some boys playin' basketball ... with portable baskets? Better be careful those don't fall on me ...

Let's check out the adults ... They better not have guns—and they better be cookin' stuff I can stomach.

Okay, there're the O'Sheas. Got their barbecue lit for ... pork ribs and corn-on-the-cob! Nice. Look at Patty there slatherin' 'em with maple-honey barbecue sauce.

A lot o' tents an' lawn chairs ... Ah, the Sullivans ... Rich bastards. Ooh, one of 'em has a Yorkie? Okay, that's my appetizer for sure.

All right, this year's definitely a better turnout. And they're still not gonna get me!

What're those kids lookin' at? Oh, a jugglin' clown. Damn, just listen to that freakin' screamin' and clappin'. I hate them. And clowns. They're all gonna go down good.

Now I just gotta think of when t' make my move. At least, I could think if this damn manhole cover wasn't so heavy. But, hey, it's worth the pain. Just gotta not stick my snout out or lift this cover up too much ...

Hope none of these damn kids wipes out on top o' me with their bikes. If that happens, I'm done for.

Better get down lower a bit more ...

What's that? A fire truck? I don't smell smoke ... Why so many clamorin' toward it? Oh, wait, come on—don't tell me they're gonna go on that thing?

They are. Why? Look at all those kids smilin'. Jack-asses. C'mon, they must've seen one before. I don't believe this ...

All right, all right—focus. I know: I'll count the families that're out, then I can plan which ones t' hit. Okay, on this end there are one, two ... Okay, six. Across the street ... three. Turn ...

Three on this side. Wait, a family all the way down the street is out? Never saw them before. Score—fresh meat!

Okay, altogether twelve to choose from.

Oh, great, the freakin' Silly String guy's coming. I better not get any on my feet.

What's that? Singing? Maggie O'Shea's havin' a birthday party! Look at all those kids! And ice-cream cake, too?

Son of a bitch, this day just keeps getting better and better ...

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