Chapter 9

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Ethan pov:
I was going to sleep when I got a call from stranger. At first I thought someone's messing with me by calling me at half past 10 because no one know my number except my friend. Even then I answered the call. When the stranger said she's Eva I was confused because I didn't give her my number. Eventually I realised that she's drunk and anything could happen to her then I almost forgot what she did to me. She gave me mason's house address because of my urgent requests. Thank God everyone was in their room and probably asleep. I took some cash with me for taxi fare. I slowly sneaked out and searched for taxi. Luckily within five minutes I found one and told him where to go.

While in taxi I realised what she said. I can't believe it I mean she'll destroy herself because of me and I have to stop her. How can she love me. I mean I never talk to her in that way but how can she. I thought she hate me but how can she love. She can only get heartbreak from me and I can't let that happen. I know I'm broken to the limit where I cannot be fixed again but I'll not break her. I'll not let anything happen to her what happened with me.

I was in my thoughts when we reached at mason's house. I hurriedly gave money to taxi driver and requested him to wait. Somehow I convinced him and went to search Eva. It took me 2 minutes to find her because she was not far. When I saw someone was forcing her to go upstairs my blood boiled and I punched him so hard that he fell on the floor.
"Girl said no means no and get the fuck away from here before I'll kill you" I said angrily. But my words fell flat on him because he was already unconscious. I then took Eva's hand and made my way outside.
"Where's your home Eva" I asked as calmly as possible. She was stumbling even though I had my one hand over her shoulder and other hand was in her's.
"Um... I... it's by t..the l...lake. Sec...second street....f...first house" she slurred. She was hiccuping in between her words.
I took her to taxi. I was thankful that he didn't leave. I put Eva in the car and sat beside her on the backseat. She immediately put her head at my shoulder. I told the address to driver. He was a little suspicious but I told him she's my friend and called me to take her home.

I somehow took her to her home. I was thinking her parents will think otherwise. But to my own surprise it seems like she live on her own.
"Um... Hey Eva do you have keys of your doors. It's locked" I said as I tried to open it but it seems like she locked it before going to the party.
" yeah's under the carpet there" she said pointing down.
I put Eva on bench and picked the keys from under the carpet.

I was like stunned when I entered in her room. It was double the size of my room. There was a queen sized bed. Everything in her room was red. I guess she like red a lot. I put her on her bed and started to leave.
"C...can stay" she slurred while half sleeping.
"Um... I don't think" I said while rubbing the back of my head.
"I....I'm afraid" she said. That was enough to make me stay but I was afraid what will happen to me when I'll go tomorrow.
"Ok I'll stay now sleep" I said while sitting on bed.
"T...thanks" she said as she closed her eyes.
I kept ruffling her hairs slowly and when she was deeply sleeping I went towards the couch and slept on it.

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