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I walked into the school, getting crushed yet again by a crowd of teenagers. The crowd was suffocating me, as all the pressure of the people against me felt like pounds of pressure on my chest.
Eventually, the crowd passed, thank god. I quickly hurried to my locker, but when I felt for my key I soon found out that my pockets were empty. I sighed. This is the second time this has happened this year.
I decided to wander around for the next half an hour, since I cannot finish homework or study. I looked at a poster, advertising a breakfast club in room 13. I decided to pay a visit. I mean, I didn't have breakfast this morning.
I dashed up the stairs into room 13 and found to my fortune the breakfast club that I saw on the poster. I walked in, eager to eat some breakfast.
My eagerness had to wait though, as a supervisor walked up to me and said "you have to sign in to eat anything here". I looked at the sheet of paper on the desk and picked up the pen, writing my name and class group on a space on it.
I dropped the pen after that and picked up the apple juice carton. I poured some apple juice into a glass and then made myself some cereal. I then sat down at a table and began to eat my breakfast.
The apple juice tasted like utter pig shit, and the cereal almost as bad, but at least now my stomach is full and wont be growling for the day.
I walked out of room 13 and picked up my schoolbag. I looked at my timetable and saw that my first class is in room 27. I speed walked to room 27, not wanting to talk to anyone. Not like anyone would want to talk to me anyways.
Soon, the bell rang for class, and thankfully now I didn't get crushed by the teenager crowd. The teacher soon came in, ready with assignments for the students.
The assignment was pretty easy to be completely honest, the rest of the class were just not paying attention to the teacher, so that's why they weren't finished yet.
I got bored and started to look around the room. After a few seconds, my eyes landed on a certain black humanoid.
A black humanoid with....
The cryptid looked at me, giving a knowing and unsettling smirk as we looked at each other. It waved at me, its chuckles once again making my heart pulse at a fast race.
"(Y/N!) Pay attention!"
My gaze was soon snapped by the teachers yelling. I blinked a few times, then nodded quickly as I started to pay attention.
The teachers harsh glare was soon let off of me as he looked back on the whiteboard. I took this chance to look back again, looking for that black creature. I wasn't met with the unsettling gaze of the humanoid, but the dirty glare of a student.
I grunted, looking back in the whiteboard.

At last, when school was over, I finally got home. I decided to lay on my messy bed and drift off to sleep again. Everything was peaceful.

Until I heard the voice again.

"Did you like that little visit, (Y/N)?"

Nightmares Come True (Nightmare sans x reader) BEING RE-WRITTEN/ON BREAKWhere stories live. Discover now