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use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.


"stop telling yourself that the next time you walk into your house everything is going to magically be ok."

it wasn't ever going to be okay.

it will never be okay.

jeffy came home to his mother passed out on the couch again.

jeffy sighed and quietly walked to the small bedroom him and his little sister shared.

she was sitting on the floor, entertaining herself by picking bugs out of the moldy carpet.

"hey feebee," jeffy whispered. "i'm home."

she looked up and gave him a bright smile.

jeffy loved that smile.

"food?" she asked.

jeffy nodded and handed her a small bag of chips.

that was all he could afford for today.

their mother made jeffy get a job.

she said it was selfish of her kids to ask for food.

so jeffy worked at a small grocery store, sweeping floors.

the owner of the shop knew something was wrong.

but did he care?

no. no one cared.

jeffy was glad his mother was passed out.

he didn't feel like getting hit.

jeffy wished this life wasn't real.

but it was.

all of it was real.

"you've been acting awful tough lately, smoking a lot of cigarettes lately, but inside, you're just a little baby."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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