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    Her frail old bones wrapped the small bag containing a value. She worked to tie the bow so it wouldn't fall. She sat on her small pillow that rested on the wooden floor. Next to her lay a chest of values that were to be protected from the darkness that surrounds her. So when she stores it away, no one will find her. Till then, she will have a peaceful rest. With what's in this box will be protected, until a descendant will find it with the clues she wrote. She lay the small wrapped box in the chest and locked it. With a few sacred words, she picked it up and took it to the location where it would lay for a few thousand years for when the one that would find it be as graceful as a Fennec fox, as sweet as candy, and as intelligent as a dolphin would be the one who will be the one to discover the memories and stop the darkness plaguing the world surround. When that day comes something will happen and will have to stand with the people she loves the most to fight the battle and save the world. The old lady dusted the spot before making her way to her bed to lay to rest.

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