What the hell?

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"b-b-but I need my clothes and my Journal," I say putting my head down in shame "Journal?" he questions my response "can't I just sneak through the window and get what I need then leave? please," I beg him to let me do it and he agreed so I climb through the window.....I feel bad for lying but technically I didn't lie even though it isn't my journal I still want to get it. I just have to hide it from the boys especially Kookie, if he sees this then he will never trust me or love me. I remember the words he said the things he has done and they make me feel so happy every time I see him or even think about him...when someone says his name I smile and my face turns red like a tomato. I quickly snap out of my thoughts hearing footsteps head towards the door and the knob starts wiggling rapidly I freak out and hide under the bed you quickly cover your mouth as you see two feet stop and face the bed "I know you're in here Y/N you can't hide forever....its not even hiding if I know your under the bed and you won't have to worry about your family they won't be looking for you....in fact, no one will because I killed them well I didn't kill the little boy toy that you traded me in for or his friends," I recognized that voice....I recognized those shoes it was Dimples. Just then I felt hands grab me by my ankles and drag me out from under the bed and I quickly let go of the journal leaving it under the bed so he didn't know "you really think I am stupid don't you Namjoon?" I say with tears in my eyes and he just smirks "yes I do all the girls that gou out with me made a mistake because I a-" I quickly cut him off  "you're a vampire" I say coldy he then stops in his tracks and loses all the cockiness he had "how did you know?" he asks me confused "BITCH I KNOW BECAUSE YOUR NOT VERY GOOD AT HIDING IT....the taste of your lips the fighting over me...constantly messing up when talking about me....don't think that I don't know what you think of me as" I say standing up and kicking him where the sun doesn't shine because I know that will even hurt a vampire then I run while he is down I run as far as I could until my legs couldn't go anymore crying I wasn't even watching where I was going and I ran into some people Jimin, Jin, and Taehyung "Y/N what's wrong?" Taehyung asks worriedly "N-Namjoon h-he killed my family he took Kookie and I don't even know where Suga is....I know what all of you are but if you want to feed off of me go ahead I have nothing to live for anymore" I say falling to my knees in anger and sadness. Then I feel Jimin's small hands grab me and pull me up quickly and pulling me close to him and Tae and Jin stand in front of us "You went too far Namjoon you broke her now we will end you," Tae said in his deep arse voice and Jin agreed. I looked at Namjoon and got so angry that I got a wooden pencil out of my pocket and ran towards him and stabbed it deep within his arm  and grabbed him tightly by his neck I felt something different about myself my stomach felt weird and I felt powerful I lifted him off the ground and it looked like he was really scared as he looked deeply into my emotionless eyes.

Namjoons P.O.V

I tried to keep up with Y/N but she was kinda really fast and I was low on energy  then I spotted her she ran into Jin, Jimin, and Tae it looked like she was hurting so much then I saw her fall to her knees in front of them like she gave up so I wanted to take the opportunity to suck every bit of blood out of her...but I wanted to make Jungkook watch he is the only reason I went after her in the first place he liked her ever since he first saw her walk into the school with that bitch Lisa (I am so sorry Lisa is a beautiful person she is a queen with rap she is also my blackpink bias)  I walk over to them all with a smile about to grab Y/N when Jimin grabs her and wraps her in his arms and Jin and Tae stand in front of them You went too far Namjoon you broke her now we will end you," Tae said in his deep and kinda intimidating voice. Then I see Y/N look at me and grab something out of her pocket the pushes Jimin, Jin, and Tae out of her way and stabs me in the arm and grabs me tightly by my neck then pushes me against a wall and lifts me off the ground I look into her eyes and....and I see something I have never seen before.......she isn't exactly human but she isn't anything I have seen "You killed my family and you plan on killing me too huh? well go ahead I would love to see you try....but first you will take me to where you took Kookie and Suga," she said angrily but I didn't care. I snapped my fingers and she fell limp to the ground....but something happened  when she did....she started talking "you can't just stop this Dimples," she says and she opens her eyes but they are a completely different color she can't move her body so I pick her up and take her to the dungeon where I had all the others and when I snapped my fingers Jin, Jimin, and Tae were there chained up too. Y/N looked so peaceful "JUNGKOOK LOOK WHO I FOUND!!!" I yell getting the attention of all of them "don't do this Namjoon please I love her," he says trying to break through the chains. I slowly lower my lips to her neck I smelled the sweet blood from her body and I wanted it so bad but something was stopping me I couldn't do it. "I will let you have a few words with her before I kill her," I say as I leave the dungeon.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Everything that Namjoon has done and this has made me feel like I needed to kill him...if he hurts her I won't give Namjoon any mercy he will die one way or another I look over at Y/N in chains as she is laying there limp on the floor mumbling in her sleep "leave me alone I have been mentally and physically abused all my fucking life I can't go through this again," I hear her say what does she mean when she said she has been mentally and physically abused all her life and by who? I will hurt everyone who hurts her in any way and Namjoon is one of those people who hurt her and I won't stop until he is dead "Y/N w-wake up he won't hurt you as long as I am still living and I have so much to tell you when we get out of here but I am scared that you won't like me even though you probably don't even like me now but I love you and i don't care if you tell me to leave you alone cause I will never stop breathing until someone puts a wooden stake in my heart" I say in a very sad tone then I see her move and she gets up angrily and starts yanking at the chains attached to her wrists "NAMJOON YOU ASSHOLE IF YOU CAN HEAR ME COME AND GET ME I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU ANYMORE YOU WANT TO SEE THE REAL ME WELL COME IN HERE AND I WILL SHOW YOU," she yells still tugging at the chains that are only making her wrists bleed I didn't even mind the smell of her blood because I didn't want her blood I just wanted to hold her and kiss her soft lips one last time then Namjoon busts into the room and yells back "DON'T YELL AT ME LITTLE GIRL" he yells back as he points his finger at her and she snaps her teeth at him like a dog then she kicks him and he slaps her which leaves a bruise on her beautiful face I instantly hiss at namjoon angrily and bust out of my chains and grab him by his throat and slam him accross the room which knocks him out cold and I un-chain everyone from the wall I then grab Y/N tightly and hug her and kiss her soft lips something I have been wanting to do again and I wanted it to be longer but it was rudly interupted by the others when they pulled us apart and we rushed out of Namjoons house and far away from it all we ran somewhere Namjoon doesn't even know about it is a very secret place that I used to go to write in my journal entries at I felt safe here all the time and I am hoping that Y/N and the others will feel just as safe as I do when I am here.

A Vampires Diary (J.J.K FF) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now