Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

It had been a week since Louis had seen the droid pounding into Andrea, and honestly- it was all he could think about. Since he never actually did work, he just sat there, sporting a hard on which burnt him into an uncomfortable position for a whole 8 hours until he got home, wanked, and thought about it more. 

He had avoided every opportunity anyone presented to go up to Andrea’s office, afraid he would lay eyes on it again and be further pulled into his ‘obsession’. He knew this was unhealthy, but there was something so tantalizing about him that he obviously could not get him out of his head. 

On one particular day, it being a very very bland Monday, Louis sat, legs crossed watching the rippling effects lace over the computer screen from mossy forests to perfect beaches. He was lost in a serene land, where the android wasn’t tainting his thoughts for once. 

But then whispering erupted all around the office, and he broke his gaze from the screen and lurched from his seat to peer over the grey cubicle ledge.  His eyes raked the area, before seeing what the obvious whispering was about. There was Andrea, quite furiously storming her way down the aisles of cubicles, her face red from frustration and strain, her mouth in a straight line. She, however, did not stop to talk anyone, but in one swift movement, she plowed to a halt  turning to look over her shoulder. I followed her implied gaze, to none other than the android, who was standing by the elevator, a confused look on his perfectly crafted face. 

He was wearing tight, black skinny jeans, a deep white v-neck that was rumpled in the front, as though someone had grabbed it, and a slick, expensive looking blazer. He was also adorned with several necklaces that hung around his neck and perched deliciously on bite-able collar bones. Louis gulped, looking back at Andrea, who’s angered expression had only furthered as she urged him on with a long, frail finger signaling him to follow her. She again turned around as she saw him hesitantly shuffling along after her, before powering down the aisle again, passing by Louis wistfully, leaving behind her a trail of intoxicatingly strong perfume.  

And then there he was, striding after her, his emerald eyes impossibly green even from this distance, his deeply pigmented lips cocked into an uncertain position, but as he neared Louis, those eyes shifted to him momentarily, lingering before lowering to his lips, back to his eyes, then forward, leeching the breath straight from Louis. 

He nearly missed the smirk that now played on his lips as he walked by, and Louis now sank down into his seat, his pulse reverberating in his ears. He rubbed his face with his palms, sighing heavily.

How was this thing driving him this insane? 

Maybe it was the fact that it was so abnormally human, so flawless yet flawed. 

He rolled his seat around, absently staring at the flickering landscapes, trying to make sense of all this to no avail.

454 minutes to go.

Louis was stumbling out of the employee elevator, out into the abrasively lit parking garage, which was filled with incredibly sleek and expensive cars that all reflected his disheveled state. He breathed in heavily, desperate to get out of this area.

He fumbled with his keys, trudging up the slight incline, sounding the alarm to help him find his car, which chirped loudly far up to the left. He sighed in a relieved manner, whistling out idly as he strolled to it, in all of its lack-luster among the expensive ones parked stylishly beside it. 

He was almost there, when he felt something wrench the back belt-loop of his chinos, and he let out a shrill cry. All of those defensive videos they show you in school kicking in, all of those stories of the rapists who hide out in parking garages- they all came rushing back into Louis’ mind as he braced himself and whirled around.

And honestly, he would have rather seen a rapist then what had it’s long finger wrapped in one of his belt-loops. 

His breath came out in a sharp squelch, and his mouth popped open, words being instantly sucked from his mouth. 

There it stood, gazing down at him, with a rather desperate expression, not saying anything as it’s eyes trailed down the Louis’ body.

That was when Louis finally found his voice, and another little squeak crawled up the back of his throat, followed by actual words. 

“W-Why are you out here?” He nearly screamed, his eyes wide and heart pumping fiery adrenaline through him. 

“Andrea told me to leave.” He answered dejectedly, but instantly. His eyes diverted momentarily, and Louis was again floundering in absence of words, not sure what to say.

“Why?!” He shrieked, stepping backwards to escape the distracting hold he had on his pants still. 

“She said something about how I was too free-willed.. and how I didn’t want to pleasure her when I’m ‘supposed’ to.” He shrugged, as though he didn’t necessarily understand that logic, as though he had no clue he was 400 thousand pound android built to do the exact things he obviously had stopped doing. 

“So.. she just left you out here?” Louis said, taken aback. He looked down, studying the robots glossy leather shoes, gulping. He looked back up to see him nodding sullenly, his shiny mop of curls bouncing gently. A distant smile pulled onto Louis’ lips, and the robot reflected, his cheeks dimpling, and the breath hitched in Louis throat again, his heart pounding again. 

“What’s your name?” Louis’ question certainly sparked some kind of recognition in his memory data, because Harry straightened slightly, his pupils dilating, before contracting again. 

“My name is Harry Styles, fourth generation Styles bot. I am at your expense of sexual desire, I can speak over 200 languages, no need to feed me or charge me.” He recites, blinking several time, before glancing back down at Louis, who hadn’t really noticed how much taller he was than himself. Louis nodded distantly, slightly off-put with how manufactured that sounded. But then again, Harry wasn’t real, and for some reason, that bothered him.

“Well… Harry,” He breathed, licking his lips, going through all of his options of what exactly he should do, “I-I wouldn’t want you just.. uh.. standing out here.” He was cursing himself a thousand times over for this decision, this choice led him to having the one thing that was consistently distracting him in his tiny, one bedroom apartment. 

Harry’s eyes bulged slightly, his more realistic emotion coming back, his pink lips parting in expectation. 

“U-Uh, would you.. like to just.. uhm, come home with me until we get this whole thing sorted out?” He bit his tongue, holding his breath, looking up at him under lashes once again. 

“Yes, please. That is so nice of you. Thank you, so much. What is your name?” Harry chanted, that big, cheeky grin pulling onto his face, eyes crinkling up, reaching up to place his massive hand on Louis’ shoulder. 

“L-Louis.” He stuttered, caught off guard by his hand, which felt rather cool against his achingly hot skin. 

“Thank you, Louis.” Harry said again, letting out an unneeded breath, their gazes lingering again, before Louis hesitantly shuffled to his car, followed by his obsession. 

He was so fucked. 

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