"I'll do it!"

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Leif's POV
The Healing sorcerers took Noi and It's been two hours when will they get back to us I'm getting impatient "Are you okay Leif?" I look up to see Rhys above me I just nod to disappointed with myself to speak at this point "Why are you so quiet your acting like Pierce it's actually scary." Prince Asch Says but I don't respond, I see Pierce nod agreeing with Asch, I just look away from them and hear annoyance in Asch's tone "Quit ignoring me Leif as your Future King that's a order!" Asch orders me but I don't listen only hear a ow come from Asch and see Ava hit him across the head "Don't be rude it's obvious Leif's to worried for Noi to focus on talking to you, aren't you guys worried?" Ava steps in I didn't want to say she was right but I also didn't want to say she was wrong, I was a little worried that Noi was going to die I was just to afraid to admit it, everything goes silent after that the three didn't answer "See were all worried now just be patient." Ava reassure us, I look over to see One of the sorcerers that took Noi was walking out of his room "Doctor. Piper! Is Noi okay?" Ava asks calmly he looks up and sighs "I'm afraid he's lost a lot of blood we're going to need someone to donate saying he has a extremely rare blood type that we've never seen before." The sorcerer says I knew what I had to do to make this right "I'll do It!" I get up finally speak everyone looks at me "Okay but we have to make sure your blood is a match, and it's healthy first so follow me Sir." The sorcerer says I follow him into a room and he sits me down on a chair and Draws some of my blood from my body with some kind of weapon that keeps the blood inside it and does something

A few minutes later
The sorcerer comes back "Well your Blood is a match will need to fill at least one of the medical bags to insure Noi lives." The sorcerer brings some Bag out that looks odd but I don't care "Okay anything to make sure Noi's okay." I say and couldn't believe these words were coming out of my mouth w-why do I care so much for Noi what's this feeling? I ask then see the sorcerer take more of my blood "Okay now you eat this cookie and drink some orange juice." The sorcerer hands me this round thing and a glass of this orange liquid, I drink it and it tastes actually pretty good I then take a bite of the round thing and It was amazing, after I finish I see a female sorceress enter the room "Ah your finished I see." She says I nod and ask "Is Noi okay!" I was devastated at this point she only laughs "He's going to be fine and will wake up in two days, if you want I can take you to his new room?" She suggests I nod and follow her, when I walk in I see everyone surrounding Noi in a bed Ava looks over and smiles "Hey Leif, saved you a seat!" She puts her hand on a chair I sit down and look at Noi's face when he was sleeping he's so adorable when asleep, I just want to kiss those small lips, I bet they taste like st- WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING w-why am I acting so strange, did the bandits place some spell on me! I thought to myself as I looked away face Maroon red "Leif are you alright, your face is red!" Rhys says concerned "I-I'm fine." I try and get out of this conversation "But Leif your face is r-." Ava try's to speak I cut her off "I said I'm fine Okay!" This time annoyed, they all finally shut up as I try to focus my eyes on Noi and Noi only what's happening with me?

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