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The next days were terrible, Mor and Azriel talked mostly under themselves, while Mor prepared her case against my family. 

I practiced every chance I got, if a war would be started because of me I would make damn sure I was worth it. I could now create things by will, knowing distinctly which strands I had to weave in order to create a stone rather than a plant or fire, etc. 

All of them were gone most of the time, where to I didn't ask, on the off chance that I would have to go back, I couldn't know anything about everything. Defenses, allies, all of that I couldn't hear. They did their best not to make me feel like an enemy in their own house, but I still felt like a giant parasite. 

I had to do something. I couldn't be just some damsel in distress. My friends and family were going to war with each other, I couldn't just stand by and watch. 

I was sitting in my room, a book in my lap, knotting together a bit of air in the effort to create a half-grown raspberry bush, plants were costing the most energy while explosions were the simplest thing to create. I had even found out how to grow a sizzling flame at a tight tether so it could dance around on my hand.

I was half done, the knot balancing on my left palm, while my right was pulling another threat around it when my door banged open.

Since that wasn't anything abnormal I went on, without even looking up, I knew exactly who was standing in my doorway. Feyre always opened the door smoothly and silently, Rhysand never came to my room, Cassian was very occupied with his mate as well as the Illyrians and Mor was the only one with enough inpatients to rip a door open like that.

She frowned when she saw that I was waving my hands around in the air: "You shouldn't weave in your room, you'll burn the house to cinders."

I shrugged in answer, setting my knot down in the flowerpot on my table. I took my hands away, a little pull on something inside me answered, while the plant grew. At first, a scion had been draining, now I could create a wall of stone without taking half of my energy.

A smile spread over my features when the about a foot big bush stopped growing. It looked perfect. 

"For Elain?" Mor asked, falling into the armchair beside me.

I poked the bush, my first hazelnut bush had been hollow, which made me develop a slight case of paranoia. But it seemed normal.

"Yup. She's been looking for seeds all over, but hasn't been successful yet" content with my creation I inspected at my visitor, "You look tired."

She deadpanned, then sighed: "Why thank you. You look radiant too."

I snorted: "If you're fishing for compliments, you have a girlfriend for that."

Mor chuckled: "She's honest with me too, you both are cruel that way."

I shook my head, grinning.

"Anyway, it's Saturday and Rita's has open house, which means first drinks are for free, not that I ever pay for them anyway" she flicked her hair over her shoulder.

Sometimes I couldn't believe that this woman was over five hundred years old. 

I shook my head, then answered: "Who's coming?"

She gave me a knowing, mocking smile and answered: "Let me see, Feyre for one, Rhysand, Cassian who I think brings Nesta, Elain with Lucien" she paused, tapping her finger against her chin, "Oh, I forgot and Luciana."

Others might be great with hiding their feelings, but I was an open book for anyone who knew how to read me, so my disappointment was adamant to Mor: "Wow, we'll fill the whole house."

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