|| Part Three of Three. ||

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Mishti released her hand from Abeer hold as they got to her front door. He raised his eyebrow at her & she glared at him as they walked through the door.
"Abeer! Mishti!" Rajshri got up at once, putting the paper that she was reading down on the table.. "You're home" she said walking over towards them as they approached her.
"Badi Maa" he said, about to take her blessings when she shook her head with a smile.
"Son's don't touch a mother's feet. They touch her heart" she assured him & the two of them exchanged smiles. Mishti watched peacefully as her mother shared tenderness with the man she loved. "Come. Sit down." She told them & Abeer took a seat nearest to her. Mishti stood where she was, lost in her own thoughts. "Mishti beta" She said, snapping Mishti out of her thoughts to see Abeer had a concerned look on her face, as did her mother. "Come. Why are you standing?" She nodded at the seat beside Abeer so Mishti smiled & nodded before doing as she was told & joining Abeer.

"Badi Maa, where's Bade Papa? Is he not home yet?" She asked, looking around the foyer.
"He just called. He's on his way with Shaurya."
"Ah. Okay"
"Is everything okay?" She asked the two of them & they both turned to exchange smiles with one another.
"Everything's fine Badi Maa" he assured her
"Good. Because you gave her quite the scare" she admonished Abeer playfully.
"Don't worry Badi Maa." Mishti sat back as the two of them turned to her. "I told him off for it." She said proudly
"Good!" Rajshri commended her & Abeer's mouth gaped, looking from the two of them as they exchanged grins.
"I thought you were on my side, Badi Maa!" Abeer complained
"Er, hello?" Mishti got his attention. "She was my Badi Maa first, remember!?" She pointed out
"Er, hello! I'm her Heera!" He reminded her & Rajshri let out a chuckle.
"Okay enough!" She said in between her laughter, causing the two of them to feign scowling at each other. "Enough!" she repeated. "I'm on both of your sides!" She sighed. "Since when are the two of you separate?" She teased & Abeer smiled as Mishti looked down at her hands, with a smile on her face. "Ahhhh, see" Rajshri teased.

"Badi Maa!" Mishti complained as Abeer chuckled then took a deep breath. "I should start heading home." He sighed, going to grab his bag from the floor.
"Uh! Not so fast" Rajshri warned & Abeer looked up at her. "You're not going anywhere until you have dinner." she told him & Abeer opened his mouth to protest when Mishti interrupted.
"You think I'm stubborn?" she told him & he turned to her. "Try refusing Badi Maa" Mishti shrugged & Rajshri chuckled.
"Exactly!" Rajshri said sternly. "I won't hear a word"
"I'd better go & freshen up then" He pulled a face & Rajshri smiled.
"Yes. Off you go." She admonished
"I'll be right back" he said & Mishti watched him walk off towards the stairs.

"Mishti" she said quietly, watching as Abeer reached the landing before Mishti turned to her. "I won't ask for details, but is he okay?"
"Not really, Badi Maa" she shook her head. She saw the worried expression on her mother's face. So she sighed before she continued. "He wants to move out"
"Really?" She asked, somewhat surprised but not as much as Mishti had expected, judging by her expression. Mishti nodded. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Your Bade Papa was saying that might be best but he didn't think Abeer would want to."
"Well, he does"
"& you?" She asked, taking her daughter's hand & sitting her down beside her on the sofa. "What do you want?"
"I-" she paused. She knew if she'd say it, she'd get a telling off.
"You're thinking about what Meenakshi Ji said at the Mandir that time?" She said & Mishti nodded slowly.
"I know I shouldn't, Badi Maa. But I don't want to be the reason why-"
"Says who?" She asked. "Just because Abeer wants to leave home, doesn't mean he's in the wrong, Mishti."
"But Badi Maa-" Mishti began, confused.
"Listen." She said checking the landing to make sure Abeer hadn't come yet. "Akshara moved out for a little while, so did Naira. Yes, their circumstances were different to yours but just because you're expected to live with your in-laws, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the right thing to do for everyone."
"But, I thought you'd be in favour of a joint family living together"
"Of course I am. I believe that families are stronger when they are together. But you've got to see the whole picture, beta. Maybe some space will do you all good; Who knows?"
"Maybe" she nodded.
"No one says it'll be forever. But just until the two of you settle down. Mm?" She said & Mishti sighed. "Just think about it." She advised her & Mishti nodded before hugging her as she did when she was a child, her arms around her mother's waist & her head on her shoulder. "Meri Bachi" she sighed.

"Shaurya ki maa." A voice called & Mishti stood up as they saw Shaurya follow his father into the house. "Mishti beta" he smiled, but worry was written in his eyes.
"What is it Shaurya ke bauji?"
"Bade Papa." Mishti said, concerned. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm fine. Did you manage to find Abeer?" He asked & Mishti turned to her mother, who closed her eyes to reassure her that he already knew.
"Yes bade papa. He's just upstairs"
"& Kuhu? Varsha? Jasmeet?"
"They just took Kuhu out for a little while. She looked disturbed after what happened."
"Okay" He sighed.
"What is it?" Rajshri asked

"Bade Papa" Mishti approached her father. "What happened?" She asked & he sighed.
"Mishti, I just spoke to the lawyer. Mr Kedia"
"Yes?" She said turning to her Badi Maa briefly, who was just as perplexed "&?"
"Kunal is the one who approached him about the Pre-Nup. Not Meenakshi Ji" He told them & Mishti sighed. This had confirmed her worst suspicion.
"What!?" Rajshri exclaimed. "What are you saying, Shaurya ke bauji?"
"It's true maa. I went with Dad to have a word. To ask him how he could think of putting together such a document & he told us, that Kunal was the one who spoke to him"
"But-" Rajshri sighed. She couldn't understand. She sat down on the sofa, her hand to her head.
"Badi Maa" Mishti turned to comfort her mother & saw Abeer stood at the bottom of the stairs.

His face had fallen. He had heard everything.

"Abeer" She whispered then began to approach him. "Abeer, listen to me"
"Is that what he said Bade Papa?" He said approaching Vishamber, ignoring Mishti as she followed him, the anger had begun to simmer inside him.
"Yes beta. It is" He said honestly & Mishti sighed.
"Abeer, listen-" Mishti began but Abeer cut her off.
"Bade Papa-"
"What!?" A voice exclaimed & they all turned to see Kuhu, with both Varsha & Jasmeet at each side.
"Kuhu, listen to me" Rajshri began
"Bauji, Shaurya, are you sure?" Varsha asked them as they held Kuhu's arms. Vishamber simply nodded.
"It's true" Shaurya added & they all sighed.

"See! I told you all this would happen." Jasmeet piped. "Varsha Bhabhi, did I not tell you that there was problems with the brothers-"
"Jasmeet" Vishamber warned her sternly then shook his head at her, his warning clear so she hung her head in shame before Vishamber turned to Abeer, who was being supported by Mishti. Her hands on his arm.

"Beta. Listen to me. Come here" He said taking his arm & sitting him down on the sofa beside him."I know you're in shock right now but you need to think about things properly. Okay? Why don't you go & talk to Kunal"
"No, Bade Papa" Abeer said confidently then turned to him. "Bade Papa, I've made a decision" He said, looking up at Mishti, who had a concerned expression on her face. Vishamber exchanged glances with Rajshri.
"What kind of decision?"
"Mishti & I will live with Baba, alone once we get married."
"What!?" Mishti exclaimed. "Abeer..."

"Bro!" Kuhu began but Vishamber held his hand up to stop Kuhu from continuing.
"Are you sure Abeer, beta?" He asked & Abeer nodded, the finality of his decision written clearly on his face. "If that's what you want to do. We're all with you"
"But Taya ji" Jasmeet interrupted. "how can he just leave his family like that!?"
"When your family can't understand your love. What do you expect him to do Jasmeet? Do you want him to stay there & have them fight with each other for the rest of their lives? Do you want Kuhu to suffer because of it?"
"N-no. Of course not Taya Ji" She said quietly.
"Well then" He sighed then turned to Abeer. "We're with you Abeer. Anything you need, you tell us. Okay?"
"Thank you Bade Papa" He replied, overcome with emotion. His own family had become hurdles in his life yet his soon to be family were willing to support him during the biggest decision of the moment.

Vishamber smiled, his hand on Abeer's shoulder. "I really should go now"
"Okay, we won't force you to stay this time" Rajshri told him & he smiled softly. "Go"
"Thank you Badi Maa, Bade Papa"
"Mishti" Rajshri said, watching Jasmeet & Varsha exchange looks. "why don't you see Abeer to the door, mm?"
"Yes Badi Maa" She nodded, following Abeer as they walked towards the door, past Jasmeet, Varsha & Kuhu. Abeer gave Kuhu a brief, sympathetic look before leaving.

"I'm sorry Mishti" Abeer said when they were alone & she turned to face him & tilted her head slightly.
"Again with the sorry" She sighed
"Fine" He said taking her waist when her eyes widened. "I won't say sorry. Happy?"
"Abeer!" She tried to release his hands from around her, looking towards the door. "Abeer, let go! Everyone's inside"
"They know we're alone. They won't disturb us"
"Ajeeb Rajvansh, pick your moments!" She warned, shaking her head at him as he smiled. He let go of her.
"Fine, I'd better go."
"Okay, I'll speak to you later" She said as he threw his bag over his shoulder. "Answer your phone" She warned him & nodded so she smiled. The next thing she knew he leaned forward to kiss her cheek & her eyes widened as he walked off, smiling to himself. Mishti shook her head before making her way back inside, glancing briefly at him as he made his way to the corner & turned to exchange a smile with her.

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