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this is where the book starts getting graphic and suicidal so you have been warned.


'damn I can barely walk' Momo thought as she limped into Izuku's room. What she saw terrified her. Izuku was laying on the ground blood pouring out of multiple cuts on both his arms and legs. a box of bloody razor blades right next to him. Momo screamed one of the butlers came in before calling for the medic. 

---5 hours later--

Izuku woke up in a medical bay that was familiar to him but he couldn't put his finger on where he had been there. " Where am I?" Izuku asked only to be hugged by someone he looked up to see Momo. " why are YOU here" Izuzku asked. Momo was taken aback by this before Izuku tried to get up but then realized he was strapped down. " you aren't leaving this med bay until you tell us why you cut yourself so much," Momo said on the verge of tears. " Well if you must know it was you, you're the reason I did all that. One of the two people who cared for me, my own girlfriend didn't even wait until I wasn't home before hooking up with someone. If I was that much of a responsibility why did you save me in the first place," Izuku screamed. Momo looking on in terror. It was at this time that Katsuki came storming in. " IZUKU START EXPLAINING WHY YOU CUT YOURSELF AND WHY MY SISTER HAS HORNS," Katsuki yelled. " well I cut myself beacase Momo fucked half and half without even waiting until I wasn't home. Your sister, on the other hand, invited me over yo your house to 'study' when she just wanted to fuck. I warned her that her grades would be the last of her troubles if she fucked me," Izuku said. Katsuki understood but was still mad. " IZUKU CUTTING YOURSELF IS BAD AND IS NEVER THE ANSWER," Katsuki said. " Kacchan why don't you shut up while you have been my only friend. You don't know what it was like to be me. YOU HAD EVERYTHING HANDED TO YOU ON A SILVER PLATTER FROM YOUR QUIRK TO YOUR FAMILY OF PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU. You, your sister, and your mother are the only two people who treated me like a real person." While he was screaming his horns were growing to a large scale shattering his headband. Soon enough his spear appeared and broke the clamps that held him down. Katsuki and Momo were trying to hold him down but he was in stampede mode. His armor soon formed and he took off breaking through many walls. Izuku was still crying through all of this.

Izuku soon crashed into the walls of the LOV bar. " WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" Shigaraki screamed. The suit and spear disappeared into thin air leaving Izuku covered in bandages lying on the floor. Shigaraki, Toga, Dabi, and Kurogiri gasped at the sight of him. " someone see if he is hurt." Is all Izuku herd before passing out in the bar.


word count: 523

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