Sleeping With A Friend

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Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice

Pairing: Gavin x Reader

Summary: You and Gavin finally give in to temptation

You sat on the couch, legs pulled up with your head resting on them. You had on one of Gavin's shirts and a pair of leggings. Gavin was next to you, his arm barely touching your side. The two of you had been hanging out more often and you both seemed to really enjoy each other's company. The only thing was, he didn't seem interested in moving beyond first base. Every time you tried to push it further, he would slow down and pull away. You knew he was trying to not rush you, but you needed more.

The tv was on, mostly just for background noise while the two of you chatted. Then a scene came on where the boyfriend  caught his girlfriend using the shower head to masturbate, making you laugh. Gavin glanced at you quickly, turning his head back to face the tv.

After a few minutes, he spoke, "Do you ever, you know..." his voice going up towards the end, clearly asking a question but not wanting to push it.

"Masturbate? Of course I masturbate Gavin," your lips turned up in a smile as you tried not to laugh. "Don't you?"

His face blushed, "I...yeah...I mean yes, I do. I just..." He sighed, still not looking you in the eyes even though you were now turned facing him. "What do you think about?"

Now it was your turn to blush. You spoke quietly, "You."

You heard him inhale, "Would you tell me? I mean, what you think about?" You just looked at him, not responding. "You don't have to. I didn't meant to make you uncomfortable. Can we just forget I said anything?" His face looked panicked.

You reached your hand out, lacing your fingers with his. Taking a deep breath before continuing, "I think about how your lips feel against mine, how they feel moving down my neck. I imagine what it would feel like for your teeth to scrape across my chest and for your tongue to soothe the marks you were leaving."

You noticed his breath catch in his throat, and the outline of a bulge starting to show through his sweats. " you would slide your hand down, running a finger along my pussy before moving to circle my clit slowly as your mouth kept moving down my stomach."

You took a risk, moving your hand to palm him through his pants. He jumped a little, his hips just barely thrusting against your hand. "I would be so wet for you, and when you finally slid a finger inside me, I wouldn't be able to hold in the moan. And when you added a second finger, scissoring them, stretching me out, I would beg for you."

He had leaned over, burying his face against your neck. Now thrusting more freely against your hand.

"Gavin, I don't think I can wait anymore. I want to feel you, want to know what it feels like to have you inside -" Before you could get the last word out of your mouth, he was on you. His mouth pressing roughly against yours, his tongue moving along the inside of your mouth, all of his weight pressing you into the couch, his dick hard against your thigh. Then, he pulled away, panting just as heavily as you were. You tried to pull his face back to yours, "Wha.. what's wrong?"

"I thought you might prefer the bed." He smiled, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom.

Gavin dropped you to the bed, making you giggle as you bounced back before he was leaning over you pressing his lips to yours.
"I'm so glad we're finally doing this," he whispered against your lips, his body pressing flush against yours. He moaned as he deepened the kiss, moving his tongue against yours, making your entire body tingle.

"I'm sorry this isn't more romantic. I had a whole plan, but - " you pulled his mouth back to yours quickly, stopping his words. You pulled back, nuzzling your nose against his. "This is perfect," you replied, and he smiled, shaking his head, his thumbs framing your cheeks as he started grinding his hips against yours.

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