Three Years Later

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Sakura's POV

Konoha was living great in these 3 years of peace, with no casualties. Everything was stable, no threats, no problems... except for a few problems in the past. I took a long sigh worried about Sasuke... why did he leave me?

I'm currently the only one in team seven. One of my teammates committed suicide and the other left for more power not so long after Naruto's death.

-Flashback 3 years ago-

"What are you doing here in the middle of night?" Sasuke asked looking at at me with empty eyes and carrying a backpack making me more worried that's he is actually leaving for good.

"This is the only road to get out of the village" I said
He didnt seemed to care about what I said he continue to walk
"You should go to bed." He said without sparing a glance.
"Sasuke wait!" I turn around to face him while he was still a few feet away from me.

He paused but his back was still facing me.

"I know you don't like me but I ask of you to stay please"
He kept quiet so I continued.

"I know things haven't been going great. It's been a week since the funeral... and this death has affected all of us. But please don't make it harder for us by leaving, we already lost someone and we don't want to lose you! I don't want you to leave. If something is bothering you don't have to keep quiet, talk to us. We're here for each other."

"This doesn't involve you or anyone. Just mind your own business"

"But we all used to be together going on missions and training together. We made so many memories as a team. Do you remember? We are a team, it is our business"

"That team you're talking about doesn't exist anymore... it died, the same day he died, team seven is long gone"

"How can you say that! We are still here, me and Kakashi-sensei will still be here. We can still get through this together" tears began to stream down my face

"I've been thinking for a while and I realized that we're not the same. I'm taking a different path from all of you. I'm going to seek revenge that is my only purpose in life. I can't waste my time here and mourn."

"Is it revenge that you seek, then I can help you in anyway I can but please stay! I love you so much! If you can't stay then take me with you"

At last Sasuke turned around giving off a smirk.

"You haven't changed, you're still annoying" he started to walk away again but I couldn't allow it. He can't leave!

"Sasuke wait if you leave I'll scream and-"

In an instant Sasuke was behind me I didn't have enough time to react but only hear the sound of his whisper saying

"Thank you Sakura"

And swiftly I felt a hit on my neck, I failed and I couldn't make him stay now I can't go after him I see my sight going black slowly losing my consciousness.

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