its not easy having yourself a good time

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it's currently 106 degrees, the sun beats down on the black tarmac road turning cars into ovens on wheels. it's a dry heat outside the car although both of the boys sweat has turned the inside humid and damp.

"~my heart feels dead inside it's cold and hard and petrified. lock the doors and close the blinds we're going for a ri~"


mike hits the off button on the cd player and groans. the air inside the car sends sweat rolling down his forehead, his hair damp against his face.
"mike what the fuck man?" tex shoots him a look before reaching for the button.
"don't you dare turn that music back on i swear to god i'll get out and walk." he catches tex's hand before he hits play and shoves it away from the stereo, making a gross wet sound that makes him want to gag.
"hey you love my music!" tex shoves him in protest swerving on the road.
"i do NOT!"
"yeah you do mike admit it you think my taste in music is great, genius even a tru-" mike shoves him back ignoring his friends yell of "hey don't push the driver dumbass!"
he stops, letting out another angry noise as he tries and fails to push his hair back from his face wiping his slick hands on his jeans in defeat.
"dude anyway you're the dumbass how has this taken so long?"
tex isn't necessarily dumb he just sucks at planning things properly. his lack of research and knowledge usually leads to arguments like these as he just jumps head first into plans relying on luck that it'll go alright. he looks over at tex's furrowed brow and changes the subject "do you think we're finally close? i can't wait to shower." tex said they were close an hour ago and the hour before that and the hour before that when he told mike to stay awake instead of taking a well deserved nap. tex bites at his already cracked lip, tapping a tune on the red hot steering wheel in thought.
"well i'd say we're pretty close like uhh.." he sucks in sharply through his teeth before admitting "i don't know another hour maybe??" tapping faster and glancing at mike almost apologetically. mike has never in his life wanted to throw a tantrum more than at this exact moment if only he was three and not 18. hes hot and bothered and damp and gross and if he has to sit through one more song on tex's stupid fucking playlist he would probably die. he actually for the record doesn't like tex's music most of the time he just puts up with it because tex is his best friend and that's what friends do but today he is fully ready to punch the stereo. instead he settles for rolling over dramatically to face the window and mope by himself. "come on mikey!" a big sweaty hand hits him in the face and proceeds to mess his hair up "just think about how good it'll be when we get there dude." right now mike doesn't give a single shit about anything other than the heat.


"~oh i could throw you in a lake or feed you poisoned birthday cake, i won't deny i'm gonna miss you when you're gone~"

mike buries his head in his arms and screams

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