youre so hot teasing me

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it's dark when tex takes the turn off for the motel, the midday heat long gone as they drive down the winding road

"~you're so cute i like your style and i know what you mean when you give me a flash of that smile~"

mike wakes up rubbing his eyes, he slowly stretches out as much as he can in the cramped space of the car. he wonders how long he's been asleep, to his shock the world outside is almost black. tex is quietly singing along to the song bobbing his head and tapping his fingers. he casually watches him, a smile on his face until he notices and mikes eyes spring to the window .
"rise and shine sleeping beauty." tex smiles over at him still tapping his fingers to the rhythm. "you've been out for like three hours man you're totally missing out on the playlist!"
mike is too tired to argue about the playlist curling into his jacket and sighing instead "oh god tex what would i do without the playlist what a shame." he says unable to resist despite himself. tex plays along and looks at him with the most over dramatic face of hurt he's ever seen,
"well excuse me mr i hate music but me agnetha, benny, björn and anni-frid were having a great time without your bitching!"
there's a long pause before mike completely loses his shit "DUDE!" he chokes back his laughter "why the FUCK do you know the abba members names???" he snorts and loses it even more as tex's face changes to a genuine look of confusion. "what do you mean??"
mike giggles "tex are they their actual names or are you messing with me?"
he looks wounded as he insists "yeah of course that's their names dude why would i lie?" mike fucking cackles wiping tears from his face "WHY DO YOU JUST KNOW THIS??"
"what do you mean everyone knows it mikey it's ABBA!"
they argue a bit more the sound of the song ending distracting them. they settle down and mike prepares for another shitty song to bully his friend about. tex looks down as the next song starts and abba start again."mike don't jud-"
mike starts laughing again"WHY??"
tex takes his hands off the wheel gesturing at nothing "ITS A CLASSIC MICHAEL !"
they argue about the definition of classic for a minute until tex starts to sing loudly over mikes attempts to prove him wrong.

they grab their bags from the trunk and drag themselves toward the room they booked. mike goes to pick up the key card from the front desk as tex murmurs to himself "~ i could chat with you baby flirt a little maybe does your mother know that you're out~"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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