No bail

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(May contain swears you were warned)
Bryan's pov.
"So let me get this straight, you stole a credit card that I canceled, got money from a guy outside the mall, tried to buy Gucci with it, and when the guy called security you threw a bag at him tried to steal the stuff you tried to buy , and when security detained you you kicked one and broke his glasses?" I said to helpy, who was sitting in a small cell.
"Yes, but I didn't know it was counterfeit." Helpy admitted.
"Helpy, I'm very disappointed with you, but I got the check to bail you out, and I can't believe I had to waste this money on you," I said, pulling out a check getting annoyed.
"Well, what we're you gonna spend the money on that dumbass boyfriend of yours," Helpy said, laughing.
Helpy was the only person I told about rhino.
"What did you just call rhino?!" I shouted at helpy she can't call my future husband a dumbass.
"You know what you can just forget about the bail money!!" I shouted, ripping up the check-in front of helpy.
"No!!" Helpy screamed in fear.
"Yes!" I cried happily.
I walked out of that place feeling fabulous because I just got rid of a terrible part of my life.

When I got back to the park, I got every animatronic for a meeting.
"Well everybody, I got two pieces of news, one is helpy got arrested," I said before getting interrupted by Lefty standing up.
"What was she arrested for?" he said.
"um, counterfeiting, assault, attempted shoplifting, and carrying stolen property, " I told listing why she was arrested.
"Ok, who had all of that in the pool?" Lefty asked the crowd of animatronic's.
Ballora and Funtime foxy got up.
"I'll get your money," Lefty said before turning to me.
"Can I have 600 dollars?" He said pleading.
I sighed and handed him the money he took it and gave three hundred to ballora and Funtime foxy.
They all sat down, and I got to the second bit of news.
"Well, this is the best news so far." I said, working up the courage.
"Well, I've been dating this guy, Rhino, and a few hours ago he, popped the question!" I shouted, showing the ring.
Honestly, it was the most attention everybody had given me. Well, good attention.

Freddy just sat in his chair and stared angrily.
I wonder what he's thinking?

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