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        Not everything goes exactly as it should. And maybe that's the way it should be. Then again, maybe not. It's understandable for people to try to make things orderly. To try to make things always be the sam.e But, it will never work. Ever.

Chapter 1

        It started in the winter. It was dreadfully cold, but life went on. For some people. Everyone was getting sick. Many people were dying. The Espechan Governmental House of Chairmen, or the HoC for short, had refined us to our homes. We were never allowed to leave. It was ridiculous. We had to stockpile food. And all the food we had seemed to spoil before we had a chance to even eat it. We didn't have much for firewood to even keep us warm. The HoC began putting bans on certain foods, saying they were contaminated. But I knew the truth. We all did. They were hoarding all of the food for themselves. While they were busy doing that, we were trying to survive. I was sent out to hunt, against Espechan Law at this time. But I didn't care. I needed food. 

        While I was out looking for food, my mother went looking for water. When I returned home, she was boiling the water, to make sure it wasn't contaminted. I set what I had caught from my hunt on the table. A duck. One duck. This wasn't enough to feed our family. There was 5 of us. Me, my mother Anita, my father Drecken, my sister Pametha, and my brother Derek. All of us kids needed a lot of food to survive and grow. And that one little duck, that small duck, was not going to cut it. 

        My mother began boiling the duck meat after I had skinned it. It made the house smell of delicious meat. An aroma we hadn't smelled in a long time. Just a whiff of it made my stomach growl. I couldn't stand it. When it came time for supper, I found it hard to only eat what I had been given. I could see this on all of my family's faces as well. I could tell this was going to be a long winter. 

        My name is Avalia. I'm 17 years old, and I am one of the few people left unaffected by Drevelon's Curse.

Author's note: This is only Chapter 1. Expect more later!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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