- T H I R T Y F O U R -

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3rd person's P.O.V

"Did everyone get the steps now?"
All of the guys nodded upon Minho's words and got back into position. They were currently practicing the new choreo for their upcoming comeback title song.

"I'm gonna start the song again. If anyone still has any problems, let the rest know. Alright?"
Minho looked at everyone and smiled before wanting to press the play button.

But just before he could do so, a knock was heard on the door.

They looked at each other in confusion and Hyunjin's eyes brightened in realization.
"Come in!"
His voice was loud enough to make sure the person could understand him and, not long after, the door opened.

A head popped into the room and everyone looked at that person with curiosity. Many of the boys being more than confused. Hyunjin on the other hand smiled brightly and skipped towards the door, reaching out his hand.

"Jiwon! You've finally made it!"
The majority of the guys froze on their place as they've heard the name and looked at the couple with wide eyes.
"Oh my god, it's Jiwon noona!"

The youngest of the group approached the girl with fast steps and suddenly pulled her into a tight hug, confusing her at first. After a few seconds she let go off Hyunjin's hand and hugged Jeongin back, smiling at his cute action.

"Nice to meet you too, Jeongin."
The younger chuckled and broke the hug, staring at her with sparkling eyes.
"You're so much prettier in real life! I'm so happy for you and hyung!"
Jiwon laughed softly at his excitement and wanted to say something, until she got interrupted.

"Not to destroy your little moment over there, but could someone please explain what's going on right now?"
Hyunjin rubbed the back of his neck and stood next to his girlfriend now, his hand grabbing hers once again.

"Well. I wanted to introduce you to someone. Like you all know, this is Jiwon... My girlfriend."
The girl stepped forward upon his words and waved shyly at the boys with her free hand.

Immediately, the rest of boys stormed forward and got closer to the girl, her eyes widening.
"So you're the famous Jiwon, huh? Hyunjin wouldn't stop talking about you... How long has this been going on between you now?"

Hyunjin looked at the second oldest and blushed slightly.
"We've been dating for a few weeks, but wanted to take things slow. That's why we told you only now."

The group nodded and Jiwon still held onto the boy's hand tightly, feeling intimidated by all the eyes that we're looking at her.
"Well. We're all happy to meet you then. My name is Chan and I'm the leader of Stray Kids, but you maybe know that already."

"Ah, yes. Actually, I'm a STAY."
The guys' eyes widened and they stared at her with happiness, but also curiosity once more. Soon after, they started throwing random questions into the room, directed at her, and Jiwon didn't know how to help herself.

"Oh, really? Who's your bias then?"

"I bet it's Hyunjin, isn't it?"

"What's your favorite song of ours?"

"Have you ever been to one of our performances?"

"What's your favorite food?"

Everyone stopped and looked at Jisung after his question. They all gave him a look and raised their eyebrows at him. The boy only shrugged in return and looked at them as well.
"What? I think that's a very important question..."

"It's okay, Jisung. And to answer your question, my favorite food is tteokbokki."
The boy smiled in satisfaction and gave his members a cocky look.
"See. She loves me already. Not like you..."

Everyone laughed at his words and Hyunjin suddenly pulled Jiwon after him as he started walking to a corner of a room.
"We've already finished eating, but maaaybeee I've put something back for you."
He smiled sheepishly at his girlfriend and she only rolled her eyes, still smiling at him tho.

"I told you that you don't have to."
Hyunjin chuckled and picked up the small container after letting go of her hand.
"But still. I wanted you to have something as well and it was hard to get my members to not eat this too. Please just appreciate it. Okay?"

Jiwon nodded in defeat and took the container from him, a small 'thank you' leaving her lips. The taller ruffled her hair and turned back around, seeing all his members looking at the two of them.
"Did y'all watch us?"

"You two are just too cute to not to."
The rest agreed with what Chan has said and smiled at the couple, some in a more teasing way and the others sweetly.
"Now that the two of you sorted that out, we should practice again."

"You're gonna watch us?"
Jiwon looked up at her boyfriend with wide eyes and glanced at the rest of the guys shortly.
"If I'm allowed to... I don't want you to get into any trouble for spoiling songs or anything."

"Don't worry about that, Jiwon. Just sit down and watch if you want to. We would love to have your company a bit more. Especially our Hyunjin here."
The said boy sent a glare to the oldest member and shook his head.

"Let's just start, okay? Uhm, here is some water as well if you should get thirsty and feel free to move our stuff so that you can take a seat on the couch."
The girl smiled softly and nodded at what he said. Hyunjin smiled back and leaned down to peck her cheek quickly, both of them blushing deeply as the other guys squealed at that.

Jiwon watched her boyfriend as he walked back to the center of the practice room and she slowly sat down on the couch, the container of food placed on her lap. Curiosity filled her eyes as she saw all eight guys getting in their position and her jaw literally dropped as heavy beats and heavenly vocals filled her eardrums.

She watched the movements of the guys in amazement and caught Hyunjin looking at her through the mirror every once in a while.
Clapping loudly as they've stood in their end positions, the boys turned around and bowed, thanking her for the positive feedback.

"Hyung, how about we teach her some of the steps too?"


A/N:Y'all I'm back!How are you feeling? Are you doing well? I know it's been a tough time for all of us, but I hope you're taking good care of yourselves 😚

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Y'all I'm back!
How are you feeling? Are you doing well? I know it's been a tough time for all of us, but I hope you're taking good care of yourselves 😚

Word count: 1097

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