So like, I'll finish from where I left off.

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So, I'm NOT at school, but if I didn't get to finish what I was saying, I'll say what happens on the same day after school. 

Basically, there is this girl in my class we will call Kitty (because she's obsessed with cats), she brings toys and squishies to school, oh wait, squishies are toys. Anyways, at our school, it is forbidden to take toys to class because they might, but in this case, WILL distract you.

My class and I have been telling her many times to stop bringing toys to class because she might get in trouble, we obviously have to sound like we like her. But the thing is, we have a transfer teacher, who doesn't know this. We told... let us say, Miss. Eyebrows (she has hella big eyebrows :0, they look like they fly off her head), but since she doesn't know, she told us to not bother with it because it's not important.

She's basically saying that Kitty's education isn't important! WHAT THE HECK. Like, in class, she would play with them and not pay attention to class at all. Then afterwards, she would ask for help and our teacher doesn't even help, she TELLS us the answers. Like:


Anyways, I'll ramble on later. Don't worry, there's worse about them both. So I typed the last chapter on my Chromebook that the school provides for each student, I will probably be found out, you know. 'EvErY tHiNg YoU dO oN tHe InTeRnEt Is TrAcKeD' and stuff like that. Would this be CyberBullying? Or would this be just writing about your day? I am cOnFuSiOn.

I basically typed this is the middle of learning 'Persuasive Advertising Techniques', hehe. Me being me decided to type about the Puma ad that BTS was in, like duh? I'm just sneaking in some 'Testimonial' ads, with my FAVOURITE CELEBRITIES. Somebody will realise except for my friends, right? So like, I just wrote that it was a 'Testimonial', 'Sense Appeal' and 'Call to Action' ad, of course in longer and more DeScRiPtIvE sentences. I'm too lazy to do more homework while trying to write for fun, bro.

That reminds me, I just want to tell that I'm a bad student and I haven't done at least 3 years worth of homework. This is because in Grade 1 to 2, we had to get up and get the work ourselves, and the first time we had to do that, I wasn't listening and forgot. Then that Friday, I realised I didn't even have homework to hand in, but when it came to the teacher taking our homework, he didn't ask me and I was like,


After that day, I started pretending I forgot to get it for the next year after that one, I was finally caught of my crime at the end of Grade 2...

-and was given no punishment for not doing 2 years worth of homework.

Time skip to this year and my New Year's resolution was to be WeLl-BeHaVeD and  Do My HoMeWoRk,

-and then I broke that resolution in Term 2 because of the laziness of glueing the homework into my homework book.


For now ;) 


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