Chapter 1

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"[ l/n ]-san, did you get this question right?"

"Hmm..I got the answer right but the way I showed my work was a bit different."

[ f/n ] was reading a book from her desk after finishing her class work when a student that sat behind her had asked her a question. She turned to look at Shishio Tsukasa, the wrestling star of the academy and also the most intimidating student there was. [ f/n ] has at least shared one class with him, and the only person who was able to communicate with him without cowering away. Tsukasa would look at her with kindness, feeling his heart swell just the slightest as he observes the way [ f/n ] just pulls her hair back behind her ear. Oblivious to this, [ f/n ] looks up from her work and catches him, causing him to clear his throat slightly and look down at their shared papers.

"Did you see how I did it?"

"Yeah..I didn't think we were allowed to use that method though."

"Well..I was unsure about it too but it was worth a shot." [ f/n ] laughed as she places her elbow on Tsukasa's desk, allowing herself to rest her chin on her hand. The sound of the bell chime echoed along the campus grounds, all of the other students leaving while also packing their things to head back home. After hearing the familiar chime, she looks around as her friends had started to call out to her and wave at her direction. Complying, she smiles as she turns around to pack her own things, Tsukasa still gazing at her as she grabs her bag and starts to place her books inside.

"[ l/n ]-san, are you doing anything after school?"

"Hm? Well..I was going to meet up with my team captain in a little bit and probably head home..why?"

" you--"

"[ f/n ]-chan!! [ f/n ]-chan, I--oh, I'm sorry!"

Both Tsukasa and [ f/n ] turn to look at who was calling her name, another student abruptly opening the door to her classroom and witnessing her talking to the larger male. Slightly standing in an awkward position, [ f/n ] only laughs at him before turning back to Tsukasa and giving him a small smile.

"He's probably going to need my help so I might not be free. But we can hang out sometime after school tomorrow?"


"Alright, I'll see you then, Shishio-kun." Gathering the last of her things, she gives him a wave before meeting up with the student by the door frame. He looks at Tsukasa and gives him a bow before catching up to the [ h/c ] haired girl. Tsukasa watches them leave before the door closes and he was left by himself, sighing as he sat back down.

"I never knew that you and Shishio Tsukasa were close like that."

"I wouldn't say close, but I've known him all throughout highschool. He's been in at least one of my classes since we started here."

"Man he's so scary though.."

"He's not that bad as you think, Taiju. He's pretty nice." [ f/n ] chuckles as she was walking alongside the taller male, a sigh leaving his lips as he slouches for only a moment before standing up nice and tall. Compared to Tsukasa, [ f/n ] has known Taiju for as long as she could remember. Along with this brute male, she was also aware of the gigantic crush he's had on another girl she's known since childhood. [ f/n ] adjusts her grip on her school bag, looking up at Taiju as they were approaching the science lab of the campus.

"So is it finally time Taiju? Are you going to confess your feelings to the cute little Yuzuriha-chan?" Taiju inhales before slamming the door open, causing another huge ruckus. And as loud as he can, he declares what he's going to do.

"That's right! After all these years, I'm going to confess to Yuzuriha and tell her that I love her!! Senku! Senku, you're going to support me, aren't you??"

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