Oh Boy...

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Mugman was in the cell, screaming for help. There was a cell in front of his, but no one would respond. He pleaded and begged, but to no avail, no one was there. Whatever fire was there had long gone out and it was starting to get cold. That was one way to torture people, make them incredibly hot during the day and make them freeze at night. Despite having gloves, his hands were starting to hurt from the temperature. His fingers were starting to numb and all he could do was huddle in the corner with his knees tucked in tight to his chest. They still stung like the dickens and the cold air definitely did not help that at all. He retreated to the far corner of the cell, gathering up his body to try and create some sort of heat. He put his arms around his legs and his hands under his arms. At this point he could see his breath, despite shivering enough to blur his vision. He was tired, oh so very tired. His eyelids became heavier and heavier. He wanted to sleep, but feared that if he closed his eyes for too long, they wouldn't open again. "Well isn't this great. You came out here over a stupid feeling, didn't bring your brother, probably didn't even succeed in stopping the Devil, and now you'll freeze to death, cold and alone to where no one can find you. Good job Mugs." He thought, full of spite. He wanted to leave, he shouldn't have come here. He knew when the Devil left, he probably wouldn't come back, leaving him to die there. He knew when he bought the potion, he wouldn't have the heart to use it, therefore being a waste of everybody's time and money. He knew when he left his quiet home, where his brother and grandfather lived, that it was a lost cause if only he went. He knew that last night when he had the feeling that something bad would happen, he could do nothing to stop it. He let everyone down. He started to weep over thinking about how his friends and family were probably looking for him, scared about where he went. Mugmansat there, cold and alone, knowing he would die, and never see Cuphead again. Even if he didn't die here, he would still be the Devil's puppet, having no choice on what he did or didn't do. He had finally given up.
     "Who said I swing that way?" Devil said, hands gripping Dice tightly. The familiar purple flooded Dice's cheeks again, shocked at his response. "I- I don't know if-" "If what Dice?" The boss said, leaning closer to his lackey. "I don't know if we should do this." Devil leaned back, surprised at King's sudden change in emotion. "What- why-" "You are me on an emotional roller coaster- I never know if you are gonna hurt me, heal me, I don't think this would be right." "Dice, I can try to be" Devil was cut off by Dice holding a hand up to silence him. "Until you change, this never happened." Devil moved his hands to let the man go, him walking towards the door. Devil sat there, dazed and confused. He thought Dice wanted him too- why is he resisting again? "What do you mean...?" "Despite us bein the 'bad guys' and such, I just don't want things to go to absolute hell. Not yet at least." Dice smiled at Devil, knowing he was teasing his boss, having his own fun. Devil started to walk to the door, ready to pull Dice back in so he could finish what he started and convince him but he looked out the door and the lackey was gone. Like he had vanished from thin air. "Where the hell did he go...?" Devil scratches his head, confused on where the Die man had gone. Dice on the other hand, was ecstatic, he just made out with his boss, and he couldn't help but want more. He wanted to feel his bosses tongue inside his mouth again. Should he have left? Yes, he wanted his boss to fight for him. He couldn't shake the tightness in his pants though, and the hot and bothered feeling that kept him aroused. He started to become overcome with lust, his body BEGGING for his boss. He pulled at his bow tie as he felt sweat drip down his face, feeling his breathing increase. King wanted more. He wanted his boss to do what he had been planning. Why did he stop him!? He was being the man Dice had always wanted him to be, why'd he stop him? No. He wanted to watch this unravel. So he waited. For longer than his body asked for. He wanted everything. But he had to wait for it.
     TiMe SkIp
Devil was impatient. Hadn't he changed enough?? Hadn't he been what Dice wanted?? Around 20 years of working with this man, he had FINALLY confessed to him, the man he loved and only got a quick kiss?!? "God d***it why can't I just have him!?!?!?" He wanted his manager, bad. It was closing time and Dice still hadn't come into his office to check on him. He whimpered, his legs rubbing his crotch. He was hard. He couldn't stop thinking about Dice, how much he wanted him, and how badly he wanted to just screw him on his desk right then and there. To pound into him, having his managers melodic voice moan out his name, possibly even scream it. "Dev- D-DEVY! THRUST INTO ME DEVY! HARD BOSS! HARDER!!!" "Anything for you my King~ Anything to make you happy~" "S-Sir- I'm about to-" Just like that, Devil was snapped back into reality as someone knocked on his door. "The hell do ya' want!?" He asked, rather rudely, watching the door open. "Sir, it's me, may I come in?" Realizing it was Dice, he scattered the paperwork around his desk, hoping his attempt to look busy would work. He also crossed his legs in attempt to hide his boner. "C-Come in..." He said, not even realizing that his tail was wagging. King walked through the door, a dark purple covering his face. He had a handful of paperwork that was strategically placed in front of his own crotch. "Dice-" "Have you learned your lesson~?" Devil's ears perked up, hearing the tease in Dice's voice. Looks like they were gonna start right back where they stopped. "I don't know if I was the one that needed to learn anything.~" Devil said, "You've been a naughty boy, walking out on your boss like that.~" King started to walk over to his bosses desk. Devil noticed almost immediately that Dice's top buttons to his dress shirt was undone. His bare chest was slightly showing. Devil's legs clenched a little tighter. "I was wondering sir... If you've changed...?" Dice knew that he was going back on what he said. He couldn't wait any longer. After all, it was the demon he fell in love with. "Oh yes sir, I've changed." Devil looked at Dice impatiently, close to praying his lackey would give him the pleasure he had been craving all day. Dice placed his hands firmly on the desk and leaned in close enough to smell the faint smell of cigar smoke that was coming from his bosses breath. He had never been a fan of the smell but for some reason that Dice couldn't place a finger on, he wanted to get closer and not just smell it, but taste it. Maybe because the smell just fit The Devil. Whatever it was, Dice liked that smell every time he was close enough to his boss to smell it. And now was one of those times. Devil on the other hand felt Dice's breath as he spoke, and his tail wagged a little faster. "Now now, about me being in the wrong, it wasn't very proper of ya' to show that display to me durin' work." Devil's ears pinned to the sides of his head as a light red covered his cheeks, though it was mostly unnoticeable with his soft fur hiding it. "I wanted to get ya' alone Dice, I shoulda' known you wouldn't like that-" "Who says I didn't like it?" Dice interrupted Devil, grabbing the demons attention. "I just wanted it to be a liiiitttllle more..." Dice walked back to the door to the office and closed it, locking it in the process. "Private." He said, sealing it with the same magic he had used for his little tantrum only hours before. "Oh is that so...?" Devil said, a grin creeping across his face. "Indeed sir, but you have to promise me somethin'." Dice replied, making his way back to the desk as Devil started to get out of his throne. "If this continues- If this becomes anything- no more hot 'n cold, ya' hear me?" "Loud 'n clear Dicey.~" Devil said, walking up to Dice. His lackey smiled at him, his eyes glowing a lustful green. Devil could tell his manager wanted this just as much as he did. King looked over to the couch from earlier, now neat and it looked as if it was inviting them to continue what they started.

1580 words, dear god.

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