Who Is This Girl That Selfs Harms & Why Is She Doing This To HerSelf

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The girl that aways get bullyed is also the girl that goes home and selfs harm,

The girl who always wants to be happy is never happy;

When the girl gets bullyed all the time at school she trys to hold it in tell school is over so she can go to her room and self harm her self and her two arms where all covered in scars so if she didnt find skin to cut on her arms she'll cut somewhere else and if there was no more skin left she will cut deeper and deeper on the same scares that she already had.

She trys so hard to hide her scares but she cant.

Im the girl who selfs harms im sorry to say but im addicted to self harming.

When i see my own blood i feel better and better. I LOVE PAIN!!!

I try so hard to stop cutting myself but i cant i just cant!

So please dont make the first cut cuz if u do you will regret it really bad like i did  

So yeah thats my story hope you like it if not its whatever

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