Chapter 1: the setup

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"Mom! MOM! MOM WHERE ARE YOU!" Where could she be? I walked around the house trying to find my mom. I know she's here somewhere. I've been looking for her for like 5 minutes now.

"My bedroom honey!" could have yelled that five minutes earlier. I walk to her bedroom but she wasn't there.

"Mom, I'm gonna take my car today is that okay?" I ask knowing that she was probably rummaging through her closet. I know that if I wait for her I'm going to be late for school.

"Yeah, just don't damage it like your brother did last week." mom said from the closest. I do a small victory dance because I was right on where she was. But then I rolled my eyes because I'm away better driver than my twin brother.
"I won't." shit I forgot to wake him up. I run out of my mom's and dad's room to my brothers.
"LOGAN! LOGAN! Wake up or I'm leaving you here!" I watched as he snapped open his pale blue eyes. I tossed him a plain white V-neck. Then I tossed him black pants. Then I walked out to the hallway and look at my watch we have to leave in 10 or we are going to be late school starts a 7:45. I go to my black 2018 ram and got in and started it up. As I waited I checked to see if my brown curly hair was a mess but surprisingly it was not. So then I fixed my glasses that help my weird Hazel eyes see.

My brother looks nothing like me he has brown eyes, and blonde hair. He was Mr.popular. For me it was I knew everyone and everyone knew me. I had three different friend groups. I usually hang out with the outcast. I guess that's what you would call them I'm the tallest in the friend group at 5'8. My brother was like 6'.

Logan comes outside with five minutes to spare. He jumps into the truck and I put it in reverse and drive my way to school.
"You need to start to wake up to your alarm in the morning. Geez boy, I can't wake you up and my self." I exclaimed as a turned on the music. 15 minutes later and we reach school. I jump out of the truck and walk into the school. I go to my locker and grab my math, E.L.A, science, world history binders. I hate Mondays. I close my locker and jump.
"What the hell! Jay, how many times do I have to tell you not to scare me."
"Sorry, love I didn't mean to." Jay is British. He moved her in 9th grade or freshman year. We instantly clicked since he moved here he called me either love, princess, or babe. I'm okay with it because he's always there for me.
" It's alright. Wanna walk to World History first?"
"sure babe." we have all our classes together Monday, today, and Thursday. I also heard we are getting a new kid today. I wonder if they are a boy or a girl. I only know that I have math and biology with the new kid I was told to not be as sassy as usual. Which we both know ant happening. We get to class and sit down in the third row by the window.
"Alright, class, since we have been learning about King Henry the eighth I found a song." she turns on the projector and the song Ex-Wives by Six popped up. Dude I love this song.

She clicked play and I silently sang to it.
(a/n you can skip the next part it just the lyrics, alright that's all have fun-ml)
And tonight, we are...
Listen up let me tell you a story
A story that you think you've heard before
We know you know our names and our fame and our faces
Know all about the glories and the disgraces
I'm done 'cause all this time
I've been just one word in a stupid rhyme
So I picked up a pen and a microphone
History's about to get overthrown
But just for you tonight
We're divorced, beheaded, live!
Welcome to the show, to the historemix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
Raising up the roof till we hit the ceiling
Get ready for the truth that we'll be revealing
Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
But now we're
All you ever hear and read about
Is our ex and the way it ended
But a pair doesn't beat a royal flush
You're gonna find out how we got, unfriended
Tonight we're gonna do ourselves justice
'Cause we're taking you to court
And every Tudor rose has its thorns
And you're gonna hear 'em live
In consort
But just for you tonight
We're divorced, beheaded, live!
Welcome to the show, to the historemix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
Dancing to the beat till the break of day, once
We're done we'll start again like it's the Renaissance
Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
But now we're
My name's Catherine of Aragon
Was married twenty-four years I'm a paragon
Of royalty, my loyalty is to the Vatican
So if you try to dump me
You won't try that again
I'm that Boleyn girl and I'm up next
See I broke England from the church
Yeah I'm that sexy
Why did I lose my head?
Well my sleeves may be green but my lipstick's red
Jane Seymour the only one he truly loved
When my son was newly born, I died
But I'm not what I seem or am I?
Stick around and you'll suddenly see more
Ich bin Anne of Cleves
When he saw my portrait he was like
But I didn't look as good as good as I did in my pic
Funny how we all discuss that but never Henry's little-
Prick up your ears I'm the Catherine who lost her head
For my promiscuity outside of wed
Lock up your husbands
Lock up your sons
Key Howard is here and the fun's begun
Five down I'm the final wife
I saw him to the end of his life
I'm the survivor Catherine Parr
I bet you wanna know how I got this far
I said I bet you wanna know how we got this far
Do you wanna know how we got this far then?
Welcome to the show, to the historemix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
Get your hands up, get this party buzzing
You want a queen bee, well there's half a dozen
Everybody knows that we used to be six wives
But now we're
One, two, three, four, five... six!

After the song finished the door bust open. I bet you it's the school bad boy Dillon Ross. Guess what I'm right. Yay. I talk to him on occasion, I guess you could say that we're friends. Anyway, he has muscles a black v-neck and jeans. He's a "player" well that what the school thinks but I know the truth.
(Dillon Ross⬇️)

He was my brother's best friend

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He was my brother's best friend. And he is an idiot. Just like Logan, they both play basketball. Class when by pretty fast. Next, I had Mathematics, yay, not but hey I get to meet the new kid so that's a plus. Not really I hate new people. I walk to math with Jay next to me holding my hand. People think we are dating but we aren't.
"Jay?" as I said that I looked up at him "Did you get a date to the spring formal?"
"No, I ask Rachel from my music class but she already had a date." he didn't look sad about that. I know why he is gay but doesn't remember telling me because he was drunk. So I have a plan. I know a guy who's name is Luke he is gay too. I told him about jay and showed him a picture of him.
"Hey Luke," I said as I walked into the ice cream shop he works at.
"hey, short stack" I rolled my eyes.
" You remember how you told me that you're gay?"
"Well, my friend told me he was gay but doesn't remember telling me. Should I leave it alone or should I set him up on a date? If I set him up on a date I was wondering if you would go to be his date. I think you guys would be a cute couple." I wonder what I should do so I figured that I would ask Luke.
I showed Luke a pic of Jay and he said yes for the date just tell him when.
End flashback
Well I know what to do know. Set up a date for Luke and Jay. Should their ship name be Lay or Juke?

"Hey Jay, do you care if I set you up on a blind date I know the perfect person." I asked with puppy dog eyes becomes I know he can't say no to them.
"No Lila. I just want to stay home for the night."
"how about we have a sleepover? Can I invite one of my friends?"
"Woah you have-" thwap I smacked him." I do have other friends besides you. " I snap
I'm going to make sure this works I hope nothing goes wrong.
"Be at my house at 6:30 my friend will be there at like 7 they get off work at 6:30 so they will need to grab some stuff." I said as I walked away. Luke was coming rather he liked it or not. The same goes for Jay.

I hope you like it. I suck at writing but someone might enjoy this book so why not.
Word Count:1716

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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