Chapter 4

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I decided to go to the park today since this is the last day I'm suspended and since Stephen, Hosuh and Jay invited me to come here.

I waited a bit. I look at the corner at the park there was some man threatening a girl. I ran right up to them.

I just smiled all innocent:"You know it's not nice being mean to woman" He smirked:"You will be more fun to f" I got mad:"You people are all the same"

He ran up to me. I just pinned him down and grab a rope which I grabbed from home cause I panicked that those girls will come again today.

He bit me. I was grosed out so I punched him.
The girl looked at me. I smiled and said:"You can go I will take care of this" The girl seemed to be the same age as me.

I called the police . The police came and as I was ready to go back at the bench but Daniel was standing there watching me.

I smiled:"Hey sorry if you had to see this" Daniel ran up to me and whispered into my neck:"I was so woried about you" He began crying.

I returned the hug:"There there dan I'm fine now"He got away from the hug and was a blushing mess.

He looked at my arm:"What's that" He looked more at the arm. He was annoyed but blushing at the same time:"Is that a hickey " I stood there frozen:"Um so what did you need me and where are the boys"

Daniel sighed:"Oh they are busy today" I smiled:"So what did you need me? " He smiled:"Well since you are free today I thought that you and I have some fun"

I smiled:"Oh sorry Daniel I have to study for the two days I wasn't in the school"

*Dan's pov*
I looked over at y/n. I just smiled:"Oh that's ok " She smiled again. Ah gosh her smile is just:"Well I'm glad you understand Danny"

She began to ran towards home:"SEE YOU DANNY"

I decide to call Ann.

D:Hi Ann
A:Yes sir
D:Why isn't she at school
A:It says here she was suspended the cause of it  is still unknown
D:How long?
A:Three days sir
D:Research her more. I want to know EVERYTHING about her
A:Got it sir

I ended the call. I put my hands behind my back and I was going to go back home:"Perfect~"

*Y/n's pov*
I got home. I decided to text Hosuh.

Y:Hey hoshi
Y:Why didn't you come to the park?
H:Oh we had something to do so we were busy
H:I heard that Dan was with you. How was it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Y:It was ok I guess
H:How do you mean you guess? What do you think of Dan
Y:Idk Didn't hang out with him much
H:Oh is that so
Y:I mean I'm not saying that I hate him it's just that I dont know much about him.
H:Maybe both of you could do some bonding
Y:Idk it will probably be awkward
H:Just try it you never know
Y:Fine I will try it
H:That's the y/n I know
Y:Why do you want to see Dan and I together so bad
H:Think of it as friendly advice
Y:Fine gtg see ya
H:see ya

*Dan's pov*
Hosuh's calling me. Seems like the plan is going well.

D:How did it go
H:Sir the girl said that she will go
D:That's good to hear
H:Sir may I asks a question
D:You may
H:Sir why her?
D:There is just something magical about her
H:Sir do you think it's safe
D:Dear hosuh you know too well I will take any risk for her
H:Sir I'm just saying you should be careful. She may break your heart
D:She would never do that............ She isn't like that
H:As you say Sir
D:You are free for today
H:Thank you Sir

I finish the call. I smirked.


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