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Jotaro's POV

There he is. The man who defied all odds and lived. The one I traveled halfway across the world with.

Noriaki Kakyoin.

The last time I saw his scarred face was before coming to Morioh, and now, per my request, he's here to help us. After the Chili Pepper incident, we're going to need all the help we can get.

Noriaki Kakyoin is a very witty man, he nearly beat DIO, he figured things out before anyone else, he was always thinking ahead.

It was only when he was caught off guard that he nearly died. Even then, his mind was working. It really was a miracle that he lived.

He was wheeled off of the train with some help from one of his buddies from the Speedwagon Foundation.

It was true that since the fight with DIO, he has been (somewhat) wheelchair bound, but that doesn't make him any less capable than he was when he was 17. He's still sharp as a Razor blade.

Most days, he will have enough strength to walk around on his own, but some days he's so weak that it feels like his mangled spine can't hold any of his weight.

The young Asian man held his now long red hair in a ponytail, but he still kept the distinguishing "hair noodle". He now donned a fashionable white coat. He kept his cherry earrings, as well. He also wore a seemingly homemade purple scarf around his neck.

The scarf was something his wife made to take with him to Morioh to remember her.

His wife was beautiful and young, just like him. We've all been good friends since college, and she's the only other person I've really opened up to.

"Thanks Jouta, I'll handle things on my own from here." He said, addressing the man behind him.

"Hey, buddy." I said.

"Jotaro. Good to see you again." He smiled.

Damn, that smile.

Josuke's POV

"Oi, Okuyasu, do you feel like coming over and playing some video games after school today?" I asked him.

He flashed me his goofy grin.

"Sure man. This time I'm gonna beat you."

"I've been playing F-mega since I was a kid, there's no way you're beating me."

"Oi, Josuke, ain't that Jotaro over there?"

"That is, actually. I wonder what he's doing at the train station."

"Is he leaving?"

"I doubt it, but he is holding a couple suitcases... I'm gonna go up and talk to him."

Kakyoin's POV

I was catching up with Jotaro when a kid with interesting hair came running up.

"Oi, Jotaro. What're you doing here? Are you leaving?"

"Josuke, meet me at the diner tommorow. Bring Koichi and Okuyasu, too. I'll explain there."

"Okay, man."

-Josuke's POV (The next day)-

"Josuke, why'd you bring us here?" Koichi asked me.

"Yesterday Jotaro told me to bring you guys here. He didn't give a reason."

Not long after, Jotaro walked up holding hands (no homo) with a man.

He had cherry red hair in a ponytail at the nape of his neck, and a noodle of red hair. He had on a purple scarf, too.

"Alright kids, let's just get to the point. This is my best friend from highschool, Noriaki Kakyoin. He is also a very skilled stand user."

"Please, just call me Kakyoin." The man said with a warm smile.

The man sat down and ordered himself a strawberry milkshake.

"He's been through more pain and suffering than you can imagine. If you're going to mess around with him, avoid touching his torso, the area around his stomach especially. There's a reason, I'll tell you later." Jotaro said out of the blue.

"Jotaro, please don't bring that up. They're just kids, they don't need to know about that. Besides, I think you're exaggerating a bit." The man called Kakyoin said.

"There's no reason why they can't handle it." Jotaro said in our defense.

"Well... If you're going to tell them, would you mind not talking about it around me?" Kakyoin asked with a pained look in his eyes.

*ouch the edge*

"Oh, of course. Sorry." Jotaro said, apologizing.

The man's milkshake came, and he thanked the server.

He took a sip, took the cherry off the top, popped it in his mouth, and started swirling it around on his tongue in an overly sexual manner, saying "Rerorerorerorero..." While looking directly at Jotaro.

Jotaro blushed, covered his eyes with his
hat, and mumbled his catchphrase, "Good Greif..."

It made us very uncomfortable.

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