6' She Makes Me Feel Home

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"What the hell are you doing!?"

A scream shot through Yoongi's ears when he threw away the knife that was protruding slowly and painfully inside his chest, blood dripping off him lavishly, him being in front of the mirror.

With a shriek of fear and instability of his legs, his body gave up and he sat back down, noticing the absence of the devil.

Beads of sweat started to make its appearance again, as Yoongi felt he would soon suffer another hysteria.

Kill...kill yourself....you aren't worth anything....  They repeatedly hit the poor guy into his head and he clutched his hair tight into his fist and curled into a ball of despair, "NO! STOP THIS SOMEONE!"

As instinct said, Soojin rushed to his side, while Jimin rushed downstairs for a bottle of water and some medicines.

Keeping the soup she prepared for him, on the bedside, she kneeled down to get down to his level.

Hesitantly, her hand worked itself above the poor guy's head, "Yoongi?"

Yoongi seemed to relax at the touch but his reflex acted something else. He slapped her hand away, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!"

"Yoongi, wai-

" SHUT UP! Just, Shut up...I ain't worth living, I ain't worth loving..why did you save me? Why THE HELL DID YOU SAVE ME!? Would have been thousands times better HAD I DIED!

Tears tinkled down his cheeks. His heart hurt for shouting over someone, who just wanted to help, but instead, ended up being shouted at, by someone as cruel, and merciless as him.

Soojin's heart couldn't help but tear appart. She never saw someone as him, suffering like this.

For no reason, she had this sudden, unexplainable urge to see him smile...

For no reason, she wanted to make him smile. She wanted to be the reason for his smile.

"Yoongi...its okay...." She let her hand run through his bare back, her nails softly grazing his pale skin.

"Nothing is okay.... Nothing can be okay, till I am alive" he remarked while bringing Hus head close to his chest and dig his head over two of his arms, on his knees.

Soojin rolled her eyes at the remark and with a smile spoke up,

"Come on, get up..I prepared soup. Have some, it will be a help"

Under Soojin's touch and her soft voice, Yoongi felt homely and cozy. He used to restrict himself from the world and just wanted to curl up and decompose into the soil, until no one finds out.

He could never forgive himself, after what he had done....a few years back.
And he doesn't wanna recall them at all.

He just wanted to vanish away...
But fate too has its ways to conduct things.

His pale droopy eyes, found her sparkling warm eyes as Soojin made him sit on the bed.

Taking up the bowl, she fed him sitting beside him when he noticed her facial expression go stunned.

"Oh no! Your chest! Its bleeding!"
Just then, Jimin popped from behind the door , "yes yes! I got it! I got the medicines!"

His wound right at the middle of his chest was cleared and Soojin was covering it with a bandage.

Jimin watched his house mate take care of the sugary cat, and it didn't feel right to him.

But does anyone even care...?

Yoongi gulped and his lips parted when Soojin pushed her hair back, exposing her neck and leaned down to treat the wound. He licked his lips and it was hard for him to tear away.

Jimin saw the change in Yoongi and he gritted his teeth. But both of them, were too engrossed in each other to notice it.

Soojin leaned in to clean the wound, when her scent tickled the pale boy's nose.

So addicting...his thoughts spoke.

Without any more doubts and thoughts, he leaned in to snuggle into her neck.

Soojin's eyes widened. She stayed still awkwardly  there along with a  confused Jimin by the bed.

Soojin eyed Jimin helplessly who was developing a heated aura around him.


"Can I please stay like this....for a moment?"

To be continued....


Its been a long~~ time..
Aren't you my friend?

And I tell you all about it..
When I see you again~~ bye bye!

Hope ya'll liked it...AND DON'T,  dare you forget the following-




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