Chapter four (Weston College pov)

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Some fanarts from Lyra-Ara!💫

Some fanarts from Lyra-Ara!💫

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Ciel told himself that any hope to succeed in this investigation was lost.


The dinning room was enormous, four gigantic tables stood in it's center underneath a big chandelier. The large windows showed the gray weather from outside. The inside of the castle was much more colorful.
On each tables sat each dormitory with it's guest. The boys and girls faced each others and never sat on the same side of the table.

Ciel was a fag's fag, and so he was sat close to the White Whale's prefect and her own fag. The meal was rather good, but there was too much sound. He noticed how Clayton was so figdety and wondered why everyone was so stressed about all this.
Was it really because of the women?!

Ciel sighed again and tried to pay attention to the conversation Bluer and Blanche were having.

-"... And so you will sleep in our quarters, but obviously not in our room. Our quarters are the closest to the sea, so I am sorry if it keeps any of the boys awake."

Blanche was very professional in her explainations, and since Lawrence lived his life surrounded by women, there wasn't this bizarre akwardness.
Ciel was a bit surprised when he meet Blanche's fag. He and her were facing each other.
She had an american accent and tan skin. She had a really relaxed demeanor and talked a lot.
He heard when a girl tried to catch her attention that her name was Daya.
What an odd name...

-"Excuse me, lady Daya?"

Ciel cought her gaze. She smiled

-"Yes my good sir?"

-"You have quite the interesting accent, may I be so bold as to ask if you came from somewhere else than England?"

Daya laughed loudly.

-"Hahaha, yes, I lived in New-Orleans most of my life."

-"Oh I see. And what brought you to come here, at the Rosaford College, so far from where you lived ?"

Daya's smile froze for a bit, she didn't... Really seem upset or anything of the sort.
There was a pause in the discussion.


-"Well, everyone here has a good reason to come here."

It was Ciel's turn to be silent. That's... Interesting ?
Daya winked at him -which was rather unlady like- and started talking with the girl next to her again.
When he looked at Blanche, she was staring at him. She faintly smiled and ate a forkful of turkey.


Ciel decided to pretend to grab some food that was far from him on the table to look at the other dormitories. He stood up.

He looked over the heads of the young girls sitting before him and saw the table of Dandelion Deer.
It's prefect's name was Marigold if he remembered correctly. She and Herman seemed to get along fairly well, and she didn't seem to have any fag.

He sat back down. He ate a bit, what they were served was simple, but really good none the less. McMillan was sitting next to him, he was really joyful and ate what was in his plate with great appetite.


Ciel stood back up. He watched the Silver Swan's table this time. The prefect was Arianne, a really beautiful young woman, which seemed to please Edgar a lot. Her fag was as easy on the eye, she had some kind of long, silky, greyish hair. It lightly covered her eyes, but Ciel clearly noticed that she had a sky blue eye... And the other iris was completly white....
Well, Ciel wasn't one to judge.

He decided to stand a bit longer, even if it risked making him look a bit strange.

The Plum Panther's table hadn't as much girls sitting at it. A lot of it's chairs were empty. He hadn't seen Derek yet, it was starting to get kind of frustrating.
The prefect, Mauve, was able to talk with Gregory, a thing not many could do. She was smiling softly and never seemed annoyed at him.
Her fag, a (h/c) (e/c) eyed girl, was talking with Cheslock. She seemed tired, and a bit uneasy.
Was it because of the boys? No, she talked with Cheslock rather easily. Maybe it was that there was so many people in one room ?

Ciel could understand that.

-"Are you alright, Phantomhive ?"

McMillan cought him of guard.

-" A-ah, yes, I thought I'd seen something."

Ciel sat back down.
This was a rather strange school. Maybe he was imagining things. He'd ask Sebastian his thoughts on it.
Talking about Sebastian, he was probably exploring the College at the moment.


There was definitely something going on here.

Sebastian could visit the school as much as he wanted, but it was the fifth time that he wasn't allowed to go in a specific place. He was told not to go there by students, sometimes staff. When he asked the students why they weren't eating with the others, they told him they had work to do, texts to translate, mathematic problems to solve.

The College was gigantic, but he really had to explore all of it before the end of lunch, it was Ciel's order.

-"Excuse me!"

A strong, feminine voice echoed in the hallway. Sebastian turned around to see a woman walking toward him. She seemed to be in her thirties, she had a freckled face, dark green eyes and a... Strangely shaped hat.

-"I was told you were lost, sir?"

Yes. Lost. He was just a lost professor in a new shcool, and he was definitely not snooping around.

-"Yes, thank you Madam. You are ?"

-"Elvern Sylverster, vice-headmistress."


-"Sebastian Michaelis "

-"Well mister Michaelis, let me guide you back to the dinning room. "

She smiled and turned away, and Sebastian had to follow her.
Sebastian felt this sort of weird aura everywhere. Just like when a shinigami was around, but not quite....

He was going to have fun.


ALRIGHT! Try to think about those first 4 chapters as a big introduction !
There will be a bit more action in the next chapters x)

There's always going to be an atlernance between the point of view of the reader and Ciel's.

I wonder if you already guessed what was going on at the Rosaford College ;)

Sorry if I made any mistakes 💕

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