It hit me like a train

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The past.

It hit me like a train

The beautiful and haunting past hit me like a train because I was too stupid,

I did not see it and it was coming all along, I could have known.

It hit me like a train when I thought it was all over.

When I was ready to move on and live on.

That's when it crumbled all over again and I realized there is nothing beautiful about the past, the past that you can't let go of.

It hit me like a train

A train filled with memories that ditched its content all over you

It made a world for you, a world where all the happy memories were replaced because it
knew you had to get trough

They say time heals, that it makes everything better

but sometimes it doesn't warn you and turns into a deadly thing that doesn't let go

a deadly thing that hurts in the present because

you should have let go

It comes haunting you.

it swallows you up and brings you down

so let go of that train.

Let go.

and go

go on.

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