Chapter 7

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(Holly's POV)
I woke up. The lights were on, but everything was blurry. I could hear a ringing in my ears. This time, both of my hands were chained. I slowly looked around, everything was still blurry. I could feel the blood dripping down my face. I tried to get up but my hands were chained so close to the wall and, I was too weak from all the blood loss and getting my ass kicked. The ringing died down. I then heard the door open. It was the man again. He walked in. Everything was still a bit blurry. He bent down and looked that the cuts and bruises on my face. He moved my face to look at each one. "You'll be fine." He said. He let go of my face and I leaned my head against my shoulder. "Oh by the way... I'm Joe." He said. I looked at him. "Do you think I care about what your name is?" I said. "Shut up," He said and he tied my mouth shut. "Don't even think about trying anything to escape," He said. He left the room and slammed the door shut. I laid my head against my shoulder and closed my eyes. I was scared, I didn't know if I was going to make it out of here. What if they don't find me. What if they aren't even looking for me. I had so many questions going through my head, I then think I blacked out again.

(Castiel's POV)
It's been hours since we left the motel but it felt like an eternity. We were on a dark and empty road. The only light there was was the light coming from the car. "We are close," I said. "How can you tell?" Dean asked. "I can feel her," I said. I looked around. "Turn your lights up," I said. Dean turned his brights on. "There!" I said and pointed at an old dirt road. Dean slowed down and turned onto the road. In front of us was a very old building, but this one was different. We pulled to the side of the building. Dean and I got out of the car. I looked in the back. Sam was asleep. I knocked on the window to wake him up. He woke up and got out of the car. We got what we needed and looked for an entrance. We found one and ran inside.

(Holly's POV)
This time I woke up to a blade going through my skin. "Agh!!" I screamed. I started to get anxiety. "What do you know about your father?" Joe said holding the tip of the blade to my neck. "Who Castiel?" I said. "No, you dumbass. Michael." He said piercing the blade into my skin. "What about Michael?" I asked. "Who is he!" He yelled then punched me. "I don't know," I said weakly. I tried to move but It felt like I was paralyzed, so it was like I could feel the pain but I can't move or defend myself. He then took a syringe and injected me with something. "Try again." He said as he continued to beat me up. "I DON'T KNOW!" I screamed. "Wrong answer." He said then he stabbed my leg. I screamed.

(Castiel's POV)
We got in and started walking into a hallway, at the end of the hallway there was this door. We walked towards it. We were halfway through the hallway when all of a sudden I heard a scream, it sounded like screaming in pain. "Holly..." I said and ran to the door. "Cas NO!" I hear Dean say, but I ignored him.

(Holly's POV)
He took the blade out of my leg. "Aggggghhh!" I yelled in pain. "So are you going to tell me the truth or am I going to have to beat it out of you?" He said. I just looked at him. He could tell that I was too weak to answer but he didn't care. "TELL ME THE TRUTH!" He yelled as he stabbed my leg again in the same spot. It hurt like hell, way more than before. I then hear the door kick open. "Hey! Assbutt!" Castiel says. Sam and Dean appear behind him. He took the blade out of my leg. "Agghhh!!!!" I screamed in pain. Joe then holds the blade in his hand and runs up to stab Cas. Castiel blocks him from stabbing him and he fights him. Dean helps Castiel fight him. Sam comes running over to me. I lost more blood and everything went blurry, I stayed awake somehow. "Hey... come on stay with me." Sam says as he put his hand on my face. He removed his hand and looked at all the wounds, "Alright let's get you out of here." Sam says, he started to break the cuffs but then he gets thrown away from me and he hits the wall headfirst. I then see Dean on the ground and Cas too, and Joe holding the blade up to Cas. Sam gets up and attacks Joe, Dean helps Sam.
Castiel gets up and runs over to me. "Holly, Hey, are you okay?" Castiel says very worriedly. I was going to respond but I didn't have the strength to, and I'm guessing that Castiel could see that. "Let's get you out of here," Cas says. He breaks the chains.
"Die you son of a b*tch!" I hear Dean say. I then hear the man scream.
Castiel picks me up and carries me out. "Sam, Dean," Castiel says. Sam and Dean followed us out. I leaned my head against Castiel. We got out of the building. We got to the car and Dean unlocked it. Cas put me in the back seat. Castiel looked at all the wounds, cuts and bruises. "I can heal some of your wounds but not all," Castiel says. I looked at him, I tried to say something but I couldn't. He touched my forehead with his fingers and I could feel some of my wounds heal, but I was still weak. "Let's get out of here before things get worse," Dean said. Sam, Dean, and Cas got in the car and we drove off. "It's going to take us a while to get to the bunker," Dean said.
I leaned my head on Castiel's shoulder, he put his arm around me. My wrist still hurt, I'm pretty sure that it's still broken. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
We pulled into this building. I was already awake by this time. Dean shut off the car and we all got out. I was able to stand up on my own but walking was difficult. I waited for Cas to come around to help me. Once he did, he held onto me to make sure that I wasn't going to fall. We got into the bunker. "Dean do you guys have an extra room?" Cas asked Dean. "Uh... yeah. Room 206, there is a room, there's a bed and everything." Dean said. "Okay," Castiel said. We walked to the room. "How are you feeling?" Cas asked. "I'm fine I guess... well... I think I broke my wrist." I said. "Okay, once we get to the room, I'll check out your wrist," Castiel said. I nodded.
We got to the room, Cas opened the door. Inside the room, there was a bed, a dresser, and some other stuff, oh yeah and my own bathroom. Cas sat me down on the bed. He went into the bathroom and get a wet cloth. He came back in and started to wipe the blood away. After he was finished he looked at my wrist. He closed his eyes as if he was looking inside my wrist. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Yeah, your wrist is broken, you'll need to wear a brace for about a month," Cas said. "Since when did you become a doctor," I said. Cas smiled. "I'll go find a brace," Cas said. "Alright," I said. Cas left the room.
I looked at my wrist. It was all bruised. A couple of minutes later Cas came back with a brace. He put it on my wrist. "Try and get some rest," Cas said. "I looked at him. "Okay," I said.
I laid down and got under the covers. Cas walked to the door. He looked back at me. "If you need anything, just let one of us know," Cas said. "Okay," I said. Cas opened the door, turned off the light, walked out and closed the door. I stared at the ceiling for like 5 minutes before I fell asleep.

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