Chapter 9: Confronting Sue

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Sue's office on Saturday morning:

"I can't believe you kicked Kitty off the squad Sue. She's been your bread and butter for years." Will complained "In life sacrifices have to be made William. I'm not a sheep herder. I'm not training weaklings, I'm training girls to be cheerleaders, and if I have to step on a few people's heads and crush their dreams, so be it." Sue replied. "You know this is wrong Sue."Will argued. "Wrong is a matter of opinion William. I'm just doing my job."Sue replied. "Your job is to be a cheer-leading coach, not a bitch." Scott spoke up as he had enough. "Excuse me?" Sue said. "You heard me. You don't care about these girls' future, and you certainly don't even care about whether or not they graduate or whether they actually succeed in life; Hell, you don't care if they fail. All you want to do is expand your already over-inflated ego. Normally, I wouldn't care, but when it comes to my sister, you've crossed a very thin line." Scott ranted. "Well you crossed a line when you intimidated Bree in the hallway yesterday; You're very fortunate I didn't tell Principal Figgins about that. You'd have been suspended for sure." Sue fired back. "Mama don't like tattle-tales." Scott shot back. "Enough." Will said.

"Look Sue, I'm appealing to your softer side right now. Give Kitty a chance to get back on Cheerios, you owe her that much." Will pleaded. Sue sighed and for a moment, let her softer side come out. "You're wrong about one thing Scott." Sue said. "What's that?" Scott said, acting rather skeptic. "I do care about a certain number of cheerleaders;  I made sure that Blaine & Kurt were no longer bullied here. I also made sure that Santana, Brittany, & Quinn were well taken care of. In fact, when Santana was outed by the whole school, I was the first one to come to her defense." Sue explained. "So you do have a heart; a very small one, but it is there." Scott said sarcastically. "Contrary to what you might believe, I do have a very big heart Scott, which is why I'm going to prove I can be a reasonable person." Sue said. "How?" Scott asked. "We'll make a little side wager: If the Glee club loses at Regionals this year, they will have to disband." Sue stated. "What if we win?" Will asked. "Name your price." Sue replied. "Here's the proposal: We win, you reinstate Kitty as head Cheerio, kick Bree off the squad, and more importantly, you stop trying to make these girls' lives a living hell, or I'll come in here and unleash some of my so-called rage on your fancy office." Scott replied.

"You've got yourself a deal." Sue replied as she, Will, & Scott shook hands on it. Sue then pulled Scott towards her. I wish you and your friends in the Glee club luck, because they're gonna need it." Scott got into her face and replied: "Not as much as you...Sue." Scott shot back. Will & Scott then walked out of Sue's office somewhat satisfied, until Will confronted him. "What the hell was that all about?" He yelled. "I couldn't take it anymore, I had to stand up for my sister." Scott replied. "I get that, but now you've put the entire sanctity of the Glee club on the line. If we lose at Regionals, you're gonna be held personally responsible for our permanent disbandment." Will said angrily. "And I take full responsibility for that. However, sometimes in life, you gotta make a deal with the devil; Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I know how desperate my sister is to get her spot on the Cheerios back."Scott shot back. "Do you realize how much pressure we're gonna be under when the rest of the Glee club finds out?" Will asked sharply. "Maybe they don't need to know." Scott spiked back. "You're taking an awfully big risk here Scott." Will argued. "What, and you didn't in life? You know how Sue Sylvester does business. You got to get down and dirty with her." Scott argued back. "I suppose you're right." Will said with a sigh. "Alright, I'll back you up on this, I just sure hope you know what the hell you're doing." "Well as long as we don't say anything to anybody in the Glee club, they won't find out." Scott stated. "And when they do?" Will rebutted. "Then we'll deal with that when the time comes." Scott replied.


So Scott and Will have made a deal with the devil. It's a fateful bet that will be decided in two weeks at Regionals.

That does it for this episode. Until then, see you on the flip side!!!!

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