Chapter 10 ~ Hideout

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(THE VIDEO ABOVE IS NOT MINE! Idk I've really liked this meme for a while and yeah. Nothing to tie into the story I just think its cool. Also Its made by Torriku Sotaru on YouTube so go check them out! Ok now to the chapter)

~America's POV~

I don't know why I pulled Russia along with me to go home...he just feels like someone that would listen to you and care about you. Damn it, I'm starting to fall in love with him... I'm still pulling him along, I'm surprised that he hasn't tried to stop me yet. I don't really want to go home just yet. I don't think he will mind if we go somewhere else for a bit...

~Russia's POV~

America and I are somewhat neighbors, we live on the same street and we are not heading the direction to our houses. Where is he taking me? I'm not going to stop him, I'm actually curious to where he is taking me. I think we have been walking for maybe around... 30 ish minutes now?

"Um, Amerika? Where are we going?" I ask him

"OH! I can't tell you..." he replies, 'what?' I thought

"Um, ok..."

We walk some more for maybe at least 10 minutes. We just came into a different part of the city we lived in. This part of town has more of a... small town vibe.

(something like this)

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(something like this)

I kind of liked it but I still had no clue to where we were going. Now we are on a old cracked road with meadows all around it. He turned off into one of the meadows with a lone dogwood tree in the center. We walk over and he sits down next to the tree. I sit down too. This field has some of the most beautiful flowers, maybe I can make a flower crown. I start to grab some of the flowers around the tree and begin to make the crown.

~America's POV~

This meadow is where I came every time I felt stressed. Yes it was far away from where I lived but something about this place makes you feel calm. I don't know if its the beauty or claming breeze but I love this place. I'm guessing Russia has never been here before. I look over to him and see him making something.

"Hey, what are you making?"

"Oh, its a surprise!"

I wonder what it is. Whatever he is making it has to do with flowers. I lean my head back on the trunk of the tree. I look up at the sky and stare into the endless clouds. I guess you could say this place is my hideout. I come here to hide so it serves its purpose well. I feel something being put on my head and I look over to Russia. I don't know what he put on my head, I take it off and stare at the beautiful flower crown.

"WOW! You made this?"

"Da, I did. I learned it from my dad, I guess you could say its a family tradition. Everyone in my family knows how to make them. I hope you like it."

"I don't like it..."



"Phew, I almost had a heart attack!" He punched me lightly in the shoulder. I punch him back but a little harder. He did the same and we kept doing that until I stood up. I punched back and he stood up. Wow I forgot how tall he was compared to me... O.o

(Russia is around 6'5 and America is around 5'1 almost 5'2)

I use my shortness and run past him very quickly. Before I ran past I said "TAG YOUR IT!" I ran and ran. With every step I heard his steps in the grass getting closer and closer until I couldn't hear them anymore. DANG IT! I forgot that his family does this thing where they can be super stealthy. I turn around and I don't see him behind me. I panic and start to freak out which made me run faster until I, the clumsy person I am, ran into something and fell. I never got a good look at the thing in front of me because I was looking behind me but it sure was tall. The thing fell too and I landed on top of it. I look down to see what I landed on and I saw...Russia...

~Russia's POV a few minutes before their fall~

I had chased after him but he was so quick. I remebered my stealth training that my dad made me take when I was maybe around 5 and used it to my advantage. I made my foot steps quiet and ran off into a different direction to try and flank him from the side. Somehow I lost him and I stood in place and looked around. I never heard anything but something ran into me and I fell to the ground. I looked up and saw America on top of me. I felt myself blush a tiny bit.

~Back to short boi!~

I saw Russia kind of blush and I think I did too. I got off of him and rubbed my neck.

"u-um, sorry a-about that Ruski..."

"I-Its ok Ame..."

I looked over to him again and he was a blushing mess. I guess he saw me stare since he covered his face up with his hoodie sleeve. I scooted closer to him and looked up into the sky. I guess we have been here for quite some time because the sun was just above the horizon. I heard Russia mumble something.

"s-sorry...I-I'm just..." He didn't finish his sentence. He kind of just kept mumbling into his sleeve so it was muffled.

"Hey! what are you sorry about? I'm the one that sould be sorry, I ran into you after all. I kind of caused this..." I put my hand on his back and I felt him tense up. Did he have feelings for me? I shook that out of my brain, no I don't think he does but why is he blushing? My thoughts were interupted by a kiss. This kiss, it was nice, gentle I actually liked it. I kissed back. Russia broke up the kiss and apologized again.

"S-sorry..." He scooted away and mumbled something like "I'm such a screw up..."

"Russia... your not a screw up..."

"Yes I am, everyone has told me that... so I-" I interupted his sentence with a kiss.

"Look here mister!" He looked down at me with some tears in the corners of his eyes "YOU ARE NOT A SCREW UP! You are perfect and-and I want you to know that I-...I love you. Never forget that!" I guess he was shocked at what I said. He gave me this look of like 'what did you say?' and turned away. I could tell he was blushing and I heard him say in a whisper, "I love you...too" Since it was getting late and my parents would wonder where I was, I pulled Russia to his feet and I pulled him back to the old cracked road and we began the walk home while the sun set in front of us.


WOW! Another step in their relationship! <->so this was a longer chapter than I expected to write but I'm proud of this chapter. I kinda moves the story along... well, I hope to write another chapter tomorrow but i'm not sure I may have homework or something. Also I chose to write this instead of homework so heh. Well see you tomorrow or whatever! BYE!


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