About Me and You - Month 1

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Look dudes and dudettes. I know you are probably all to 'shy' to comment, but please just answer some of the questions even if it is just one, because of it gets no answer then I will feel like a idiot for actually putting the questions. Please, just do this! WUVS YOU XOXO

5 Things About Me:

1) I am totes obsessed with anything to do with were-wolves, were-cats, shifters, or Elementals, Oh! And Hybrids (wuv dem). I know pretty much everything about, wolf ranks, mates, elements, blah blah blah. Ask me any question about them topics and I will probably (hopefully) know the answer. This is one of the reasons I mainly read these types of books on Wattpad. Not kidding, I have like 78 books on were-wolves.
2) I love to sing. Some people say. I am crap at it, and some people say I am great. I honestly don't know which to believe but either way I love to sing. My mom always says to me when I'm sad 'Whenever I find you not singing I know something's wrong, and it isn't even my motherly instinct!'
3) Please don't judge me, but, I love the OLD Miley Cyrus. I love how she was before she turned into... Y'know... That monster. I mean seriously. I think the real Miley was kidnapped by Aliens and swapped for Evil Miley. Anyway, I love her old songs, especially Party in the USA! But don't judge, I hate Miley (now) but I love most of her normal songs, not the new ones.
4) I love animals: dogs/wolves in perticular. I have a puppy called Gizmo; he is a Shih Tzu. Yes, a Shih Tzu. He is tiny, and he has black fur with a mini white beard thing. Anyway yeah, my books of were-wolves on here made me absolutely in love with wolves! Even the vicious ones. And, I don't even care if I'm crazy, I really hope were-wolves are real. Wanna know why? Cuz... They are BADA$$! Gotta admit it doe bæ.
5) I love food... So simple. That's it, I can't really explain it, I just love food. I obviously care if I get fat but like. I love food what can I say. My favourite food it lettuce. Okay that sounds really weird, but even though it's a vegetable I, like, love the taste. It's so yummy for a vegetable. My favourite sweet/cake/chocolate/biscuit you ask? Hm, definitely Cadbury Twirl Chocolate Bar. I like love it, heaven! *Weird screamy Angel 'Aahhhhh' in a high pitched voice*

My Questions... Your Answers:

1) Have you ever accidentally seen, or heard your parents having sex? Personally I haven't but, y'know, random questions!
2) Who is your favourite singer, band, solar artist, actor and actress? Must answer all!
3) What does your room look like? Mine is green and pink, I have a bed with a green quilt and pink roses. The same pattern for washing basket thing, and curtains. My wardrobe, and dressers are white and I have a small TV.
4) Do you hate school? I don't, I mean I like education, but they are actually two different things. School, is the building that you learn things in, education gets you somewhere in life, and helps you with your future. I hate school, but education is a different story.
5) Do you like writing stories? I love it, I guess I love bringing my imaginations to life by writing them down. When I read I have a subconscious thing in the back of my mind creating the story so whatever the characters do I do it in my head still reading the story. Weird right?! I know it is so I don't take offence if you say yes.

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