Chapter 1 I Meet an... Alien

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  • Dedicated to Kaz Chalmers

Me - hi everyone I'm Angie and this is a new stories I will continue my other story soon I have three guest's so please welcome Kisshu, Pai and Taruto

Kisshu Pai and Taruto - erm hi 

Leala and Namine - angie where were you?

Me - erm i was busy working out stuff for this chapter

Pai - why are me kisshu and taruto here

Me - leala namine i don't have time for this can we please just get on with this

Leala and Namine - fine lets get on with this then

Me - thanks

                                                          Tokyo mew mew and the Agents

                                                                               Chapter 1

                                                                           I Meet an... Alien

One morning i woke up and got my breakfast then i went and got a shower and changed into my going out clothes and i took a walk down to the sakura tree and i met someone and i walked up to the person and i said hi i'm angie whats your name and she said hi nice to meet you angie i'm ichigo nice to meet you too ichigo anyway i'll see you again soon bye and i ran off but i didn't know that there was someone looking at me... then someone came out right in front of me and i said move or else and the guy said or else what and i said agency lovely link transformation and with that i transformed meanwhile at cafe mew mew ryou said girls we have some high readings tokyo mew mew go and the mews transformed and ran to the scene were they saw me fighting and the guy said ah you mew mews here to stop me again and he also said i won't let that happen not today mew mews just then i heard teleportation and i saw two other boys flooting up in the air and i felt dizzy and collapsed the mews and those boys saw me collapsed on the ground and the three boys went up too me just as they heard someone shout leave her alone and someone else shouted get away from her and the three girls ran up to me saying angie can you hear me and those three boys came up to us saying were not here too hurt you and the oldest took me in his arms and said to one of the girls to grab on and he said to the other two boys to grab the other two girls and they teleported us too there ships medical base when we got there he placed me on one of the beds and asked my friends if this had happened before and they said once or twise but she got through it after she got stronger he went and got a heart rate moniter and some breathing equipment he setted it up and put an iv in me. i'm leala thats namine and jullet and thats angie what r your names i'm pai  thats kisshu and thats taruto very nice to meet you erm kisshu why did you go near angie i went near her because i saw her running and she looked beautyfull.

Me - i hope you enjoyed this chapter i will make more very soon 

Pai - erm why are me kisshu and taruto here

Me - because you guys will help me leala and namine with the chapters we're doing

Pai - really

Me - yes

Leala - angie think about more chapter name's

Me - okay leala

Juillet - hiya i really hope you all enjoyed this chapter me and the others will be doing more chapters soon bye bye

Everyone - bye bye please review

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