Depressed (A/N)

904 21 17


hey guys...!

Anna here....

im sorry for all of my slow updates but... all of the drawings i make are too depressing and too sentimental for me to post... ive tried to draw happy stuff but everytime i try, i always end up either making it insane or making it cry....

its just....

Ive been going through a whole lot lately and ive just been really.... broken...  but i dont think you guys should worry though. Its just.... lately... i feel like i have no one. like.. everyone's leaving me...I have very little friends left that havent said they hated me (that i know of) ..... i dont know why but ive been crying a lot out of no where recently and i have no one to help me... even if i did i wouldnt know.... I've also lost one of my best friends... someone who i held close to my heart.... someone i thought would stick by my side forever.... but that person has left me.... now.... i-i feel as if i have no one left..... and my current boyfriend.... he's been treating me like shit too.... he'll pull out chairs for other girls, he'll flirt with someone right in front of me... once... i even saw him kiss someone..... right there....  ive actually gotten to the point of giving up. I want to just lie down in my bed and rot away.... im getting to the point where i dont have the strength to stand up for myself anymore.... im just going to let them hurt me.... let them taunt me..... let them cause me pain.... i hate myself for having such thoughts but.... i just dont care anymore.....

yours Truly,

Anna Marie W.

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