Scene One IV

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Since Calypso is the only one of my sisters who has left the palace grounds more than I (though, I am still the one with the most legitimate exits, so I am still the dominant merprincess there), I don't have to give her any guidance as we swim in synchronization toward the servant's gate. It's guarded like any other portal to the palace, but one can get in and out without any questions asked if in possession of a rock bearing the king's or queen's insignia.

And I am, after all, the queen.

When we get to the doorway guarded by a door made of coral, I find with my relief that it is the young, blonde merman keeping post. One of the older ones might have reported our father despite it not being in the rule book like with the main gate, but this one has always favored me. I wish I could remember my name, but he might forget to inhale through his gills if I did.

There is something to be said for the power that comes from beauty.

"Open the gate," I say, not making eye contact with the young guardsman. Unlike the sister currently tailing me, I know that there must remain a certain amount of distance between my respectable person and the males of the species who rightfully find me attractive.

"Yes, Your Majesty." I don't need to turn my head to see how quickly he moves to pull the lever of the gate.

"Your queen thanks you," I say, since it is important to put a friendly face forward for subjects- to a degree. Then I swim through.

Calypso swims out behind me without another word.

Someone else yells a word, though. "Wait!"

Still swimming, I glance backwards.

And find four other mermaids making little whirlwinds in the water with their fins as they propel themselves forward. Priscilla and our other three sisters.

I hold my hand up to the young guard. "Let them through, also. They are with me."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Pausing in my journey, I wait for my sisters. It strikes me how much I take for granted that I'll see them everyday, alive and well.

And not lost in time.

Elspeth has the lead of the little group, as the second oldest and fastest swimmer of us all. Her silver hair swirls around her head, a reminder of our mother as much as my new rank.

Behind her, and next in age, is Anastasia, her hair a deep red that leads her to be encouraged most of all by our father to remain far, far away from the shore. Not that she minds it, since he gave her authority over the shipwreck archives. The look of horror on her face scares me more than anything else does.

With a new spurt of energy, Lian's dark hair bobs forward, dragging along Priscilla with her, trying to keep up with the other sisters.

And then I see why.

-Signature by -krystallite

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-Signature by -krystallite

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