A Hell of a Show

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"So let me get this straight-"

"Gay," Jennie cuts in with a sly smile that Lisa is quick to glare away.

"As I was saying," Lisa says in her confused tone from earlier, her face still scrunched as it had been since Jennie began explaining what she wanted to do. "You want me to pretend to date you?" she asks voice raising at the end of her question and eyebrows furrowing even further than Jennie thought possible.

"Well yes," Jennie replies in a small voice, smirk growing back she continues playfully, "Weren't you listening babe?"

Lisa tries to ignore the pet name since Jennie has let it slip before but with the older girl's recent idea Lisa can't help but blush slightly at the endearment. She hides the blush from Jennie though by shooting her a glare to be quiet again. "You want me to pretend to date you, solely to piss off your ex boyfriend - who by the way I never liked- for an undetermined amount of time to everyone we know?"

"Well.. yeah basically that.." Jennie replies, rubbing at the back of her neck anxiously and trying to read her best friends tone. "I mean if you're wondering what's in it for you, I could pay you or something," Jennie starts, plopping herself back onto her friend's bed before shooting upright again with a smirk, "Oh! I could pay you in orgasms since I'll be preventing you from dating anyone else, yeah?" and the cheeky grin on her face lets Lisa know that although Jennie is just teasing she's also 100% down to follow through with her offer.

"What's in it for me.. you mean besides getting to see Kai's ego deflate and getting to hold the prettiest girl in school's hand?" Lisa questions with a quirked eyebrow after a few moments of silence that Jennie had been stressing her idea and her nerve to bring it up. "Nini you don't need to pay me in anything, I'm shocked I didn't think of it sooner," she continues and Jennie lets out a laugh at her friends wording, while Lisa laughs back at the fact that Jennie had been nervous at all. Lisa had always hated Kai so why did Jennie think she'd ever give up an opportunity to embarrass the boy?

"So that's a yes then?" Jennie asks raising her own eyebrows in question once they've both stopped laughing, watching Lisa curiously as the girl moves from where she was standing to lie herself down next to Jennie, taking her time turning to face her before replying with a smirk on her face.

"We'll have to put on one hell of a show Nini, but yeah, it's a yes."

* *

It wasn't anything Jennie had really planned. She just really hated her ex boyfriend. She hated his stupid ego and his stupid grabby hands and she hated that she had dated him at all in the first place. Lisa always hated him and with everyone else Jennie had trusted Lisa's judgement entirely and not given them a chance. But Jennie had given him a chance, a longish chance (only two months but hey that's longer than Hanbin's two weeks). She doesn't know why she dated him but she did and she didn't let his annoying qualities get in her head because she didn't want to hate him for some reason.

Ultimately they broke up because she found out he had hooked up with some girl at a party that weekend. They fought about it because Jennie isn't the type to just break things off when someone pulls such a dick move. He'd always been upset that Jennie wouldn't put out. Honestly that's the main reason Jennie's confused that she stayed with him for so long. She was a virgin and wanted her first time to be special for fuck's sake. But for some reason dumb Kai always asked and pestered whenever she so much as reciprocated a peck, claiming sex isn't a big deal at all and he knows what he's doing with a grin and holy shit how did Jennie date him at all?

The fight though, was probably one of the most intense Jennie had been in. She'd had her number of confrontations, ranging from Jeon Jungkook who tried to grab Lisa's ass in gym and ended up with a black eye and a head full of Jennie's best insults, to Tzuyu Chou when she tried to blame Jennie for talking shit about Irene when no way in hell would Jennie gossip about one of her best friends, specially with someone as snakey as Tzuyu.

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