Complicated [1]

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This is the beginning of Pierce and Ava's Romance story. If this isn't the story that you were looking for go back to the prologue and look at the titles to find the story you may be looking for.


  After she collapsed in the spell pool I felt like it was my fault, it was my job to watch after her and make sure she was safe and I failed to do that. I did my best to help her while she tried to get better but I still felt unease. A few days pass and her illness is cured but I can't help but feel anxious at the thought of her getting hurt again.

 I then saw her walk out of her room, she was all bundled up as if it was winter. She was slowly and goofily waddled to the couch. She looked around as if she was looking for something and then spoke.

 "Where are the others?"

 I pointed to the enchanted square on the side of the room. Then continued to pet the spirt laying beside me.

" Oh, well then, How are you, Pierce?"

I nodded and continued to pet the spirt with a straight face. She then waddled over to the couch and sat down on the other side of the spirt. I felt a slight blush on my face as she never really sat next to me before. This feeling felt truly unusual. 

" You like Jonny? He is a cutie pie" she said with a smile on her face. 

 I nodded and gave her a short glance which turned into a stare. I paused petting the spirt and put my hands on my lap, then stared forward at the wall.

"It's getting a little cold out now since it's towards Halloween, and I am pretty sure you are the only one that doesn't have a somewhat warm outfit. I also need to pick up so food since all of you have to eat."

 I looked back towards her as the spirt get up and laid on my lap. 

 "So I was wondering, would you like to come. There is going to be a lot of bags and I am not sure if I can carry it all, and none of the guys are around." 

"Okay, I will go," I said in a low voice.

"Well okay then, you need to go put on your outdoors clothes and I need to get a list for what we may need."

  She then fluttered off the couch and ran into the kitchen to start a list. The spirt followed are and I slowly walked through the rectangle in the wall. 

 I walked to my room and put on my clothes and hid my horns then walked out of my room. The rest of the guys were in the center room conversating about there usual shenanigans. I slowing walked past them until Asch paused the conversation and said my name. 

"Pierce? Where may you be going? You are in your human clothes."

" Ava invited me outside. So I must be going" I slowly started to walk faster towards the exist. Not caring if Asch didn't approve. Right before I made it to the exit Lief appeared right in front of me.

"Know we want her too. If anyone should marry her it should be me." 

I pushed Lief aside and walked through the exit. I saw Ava picking up a bag. She then turned over towards me and smiled.

 " If you are ready we can go"

 I nodded and we walked out the door.


  End of Chapter 1. I hope you enjoy. I know it's short but I am trying to think where this story is heading.

If you have any comments or Ideas feel free to let me know. Don't forget to share <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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