Chapter 10: Left her in the hospital||

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Astrid's view:

I left her In the hospital. Apparently I fractured some bones. Knocked a teeth in the back. Left her a black eye. But no scratches. Wanna know why? Cause I don't scratch or pull hair. That isn't fighting in my book. That's just plain weak. I punch. End of story.

Am I happy about it?
Sure, why not.

Are my parents?
Definitely not.

Am I suspended for a few days?
You could say that.

Do her parents want to fill a law suit against me?
I have no idea.

Is Jesse proud?
Hell yeah.

Is guy worried?
Yup. He says that I should focus on peace and meditation. I do meditate. But peace? Come on. That's a bit hard for me. But I'm trying.

I'm in the my dorm. Being lectured by my parents. They flew from Greece all the way to Minnesota to lecture me. What a waste of time!

"Astrid. You know better. This isn't the first girl you left in the hospital! It's the 5th one!!!!" My mom went on and on.

"They keep trying me!" 

"It's doesn't matter. You got to be the bigger person. Be more mature. Maybe hockey isn't the best for you. You get way too competitive and aggressive!"  My mom went on. My head shot up. Hockey is my life.

"You know I love hockey. You can't say that. C'mon. Dad?!"  He had trouble to whose side to pick on.

"The weather is beautiful out here in Minnesota". He said looking outside whistling. My mom rolled her eyes.

"But what makes it worse is that the paparazzi will find out all about it and will post it on tabloids and magazines. And another scandal will start. Lorraine, honey, you are going to have to control yourself if you don't want us removing you from hockey activities. You know I don't like you playing a rough sport. But wait..I have a question for you!" I nodded. "Did you take your pills?" I chuckled nervously.

"Well you see, I thought I could go a day without them but guess I was wrong. But On the bright side, I didn't get hurt..right?" They glared at me. Well my mom was. My dad was too busy looking at my room. More specifically my trophies, medals, hockey jerseys and the various hockey sticks I had lined up Stuck to my wall.

"But the girl did. You may have not gotten hurt but she did. You are going to apologize". My head perked up.

"No..uh uh. No way. She started it. There is no reason for me to apologize if she was the one who started it. I love you but I despise her. Sorry no can do. But I do promise that I will start taking my pills regularly." She nodded. Knowing how stubborn I can be.

"Did you scratch her?" My dad asked out of the blue.

"Benjamin!" My mom hit his arm. He didn't wince at all.

"No. But I did punch her". He high-fived me. My mom glared at us.

"You used to get in trouble a lot when you were younger Venus". My mom shrugged.

"Used too. But I didn't leave no one in the hospital!" She said looking at me. I smiled and laughed.

"Wasn't me". I raised my hands. We all laughed


I think I learned a lesson.

Well sandy did.

But that's beside the point.

I learned.


Scratching isn't considered fighting.

It's considered pussy.

But other than that.

Fuck sandy.

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