Chapter 17

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Tiger tribe XVII
In the next few days, Jiang Yu continued to take Mu to collect some herbs, though this time they had nothing to do with Mu. It just happened that the doctor lacked some herbs, so he was just helping the doctor this time.
Qiao followed them for a whole ten days and reported every kind of herb back to Aspen. Aspen frowned because all the herbs were to treat females, and had no relation to Mu's body.
Perhaps they really are not looking for a cure for Mu's body?
Although Aspen had already determined most of the herbs, there were still some that he wasn't sure about, so he decided to go to the clan doctor's to indirectly question him about them.
"Ya Suo, have you been busy lately?" Ya Suo was the name of the doctor.
"Oh, it's just the usual. There weren't many injuries to any shapeshifters recently, so I've just been collecting herbs."  The doctor was very happy when he saw Aspen and welcomed him in with great enthusiasm.
"Recently, I noticed that Mu and Ah Yu go out often, but I'm afraid Mu can't take it anymore because of his weak body." Aspen's expression was sad and his eyes were already wet. "If not for the fact that I couldn't collect the golden thorn grass in the cave, Mu wouldn't be like this now. He would certainly be much healthier than he is now."
With that, Aspen cried.
The doctor was flustered and hurriedly comforted him. "It's okay. It doesn't matter, and anyways --", the doctor was just about to say, anyways Ah Yu has already collected the golden thorn grass for Mu, but suddenly he thought of Ah Yu threatening him, and the beard above his mouth suddenly hurt. He stopped talking.
"And what?" Aspen asked quickly.
The doctor laughed nervously. "Nothing. I just wanted to say, anyways, Mu has grown up now. His physical condition has pretty much been set, there's nothing much we can do to change it. At least now he gets some exercise running around with Ah Yu. So he's obviously going to get better than he originally was. Although he won't be able to go hunting, he certainly won't easily fall ill."
The doctor's heart was full of guilt. Aspen is so worried about Mu, but he himself is keeping Aspen in the dark. He felt apologetic.
However, he's already lost Ah Yu's trust once, so he definitely can't break his promise and blab about the secret again. Otherwise, what would the young female think of him? He can't be a bad example to the young female.
"Do not worry, Mu's still quite healthy," The doctor couldn't bear watching Aspen's sadness and rushed to comfort him.
"Wait, isn't Ah Yu with Mu now? Ah Yu is a female. Can he help Mu to collect golden thorn grass? I'd be so grateful to him!", Aspen anxiously took the hands of the doctor.
The doctor suddenly paused, and there was an almost imperceptible trace of embarrassment on his face, but he quickly disguised it and said furiously, "Ah Yu is so young, how can we let him go to such a dangerous place, and how would his fathers agree to it?!"
"Is it really impossible?" Aspen asked, crying.
"Naturally, it's impossible, absolutely impossible! It's unthinkable to risk Ah Yu's safety just for Mu. There's no special relationship between them. Perhaps if Mu finds a partner in the future, his partner could go."
The doctor secretly added in his heart, that's technically true anyway because Ah Yu was sure to be Mu's partner in the future, so the whole matter of helping Mu to collect the golden thorn grass now is absolutely justified!
Aspen, under the cover of a sad expression, carefully observed the doctor's expression, and found nothing out of the ordinary. He was finally completely relieved.
"Well, then, I guess I'll just go." Aspen put on the sad appearance of a dad who couldn't save his child and left.
The doctor of the clan also felt very pained. After sending Aspen away, he took a deep breath. "Although it is not right to deceive Aspen, when those two little kids clarify their emotions toward each other, they will definitely tell them. What a big surprise that would be!"
Thinking of the how happy and surprised Aspen would be then, the doctor's spirits lifted.
That very same Aspen that he was thinking about was at that moment outside of the doctor's house, his sad expression disappearing.  A gloomy look was not characteristic of a pure and tender female appeared on his face.
"It seems that I really was just overthinking," Aspen sneered coldly. "But it's okay. I don't want to use that thing again on Mu's body, there's too great a chance of it being discovered."
In the following days, Mu discovered that they had not been followed by Qiao at all, and told Jiang Yu.
Jiang Yu nodded. "Then have you noticed recently if your cheap aunt has been treating you differently from before?"
Mu shook his head and shook his head. "No, it's the same as before. For a while, before Qiao began to track me, he was very kind to me. Now it's just as before, he doesn't ask about me and doesn't pay me any attention."
Jiang Yu's eyes were bright and he smiled very happily. "It seems that this time the doctor didn't go back on his promise. Let's continue to search for the necessary herbs. It just so happens that your herbs are running out.
Mu nodded his head. With Jiang Yu on his back, he quickly headed into the forest.
Just like this, their days searching for herbs stretched into months and the years, and soon they were thirteen.
Actually, in the beginning, they were looking for medicinal herbs for Mu's body. After taking it for three years, Mu's body had been restored to a normal shapeshifter's. However, the doctor said that his body would be better if Mu continued t take the medicine for two more years, so they continued to gather herbs for another two years.
In this five-year period of searching for herbs, Jiang Yu discovered that he had already learned everything the doctor told him about medicine. Basically, once he saw a herb, he would know what kind of sickness it cured. Once, a sick shapeshifter came to the doctor, and Jiang Yu happened to be there. He did not really think about what he was doing at all, and quite unconsciously put the needed herbs to the doctor's hand.
When he saw the doctor's meaningful smile, Jiang Yu realized that he had been tricked.
You old bastard, I've already made it clear that I don't want to learn medicine at all!
During this time, the tribe did not assign any tasks to what they thought were the arrogant and proud Jiang Yu or the weak Mu, the arrogant female and Mu. Thus, if he didn't want to be incredibly bored every day, Jiang Yu would collect the herbs the doctor needed when he went out with Mu.
But at the beginning, Jiang Yu did not know what the herbs looked like.  The doctor began to show him herbs and told him what kind of herb they were, where it grew, what effect it had, and what herbs could be taken together to treat what kind of disease.
In the beginning, Jiang Yu did not bother paying attention to the last pieces of information. Later, because the world of shapeshifters was so incredibly boring, he silently listened because he had nothing else to do except search for herbs.
So he had begun to also bring back the herbs he knew about when he was out looking for herbs Mu needed.
When he wasn't outside, he would listen to the doctor's lectures, assist the doctor, and mix the medicine.
Five years later, when Mu's body no longer needed to be nursed back, Jiang Yu realized that he had actually started to enjoy collecting herbs and making medicine.
But he didn't know how to raise the topic with Mu. He was too embarrassed to say, "Uh, although your body doesn't need to be nursed back to health anymore, I still want to go out and look for herbs, so let me be with you."
He felt awkward just thinking about it.
But just as Jiang Yu was feeling more and more conflicted, he suddenly discovered that Mu's actions hadn't changed. Mu still waited outside of his house for him every day, waiting to leave for the forest together.
Jiang Yu was very happy, and his depressed mood suddenly disappeared. He happily jumped on Mu's back, and subconsciously ruffled the smooth, shiny coat beneath his body.
So they continued in this way until Jiang Yu had grown up.
In these many years, Mu's previously thin and weak appearance had changed to be tough and handsome. His beautiful muscle lines revealed his power, and his animal form has also begun to take on a very intimidating, powerful appearance, to the point that it was shocking.
Jiang Yu often looked Mu until he fell into a daze. The wonder that Mu's strength induced had been imprinted in his heart from the beginning. His feelings towards Mu had also changed. In the very beginning, he had pitied and felt distressed for Mu. Now he admired him, though there was a trace of a much more complex feeling.
Jiang Yu had also gone from being an arrogant little female to the most popular female in the tribe. No, it would be more accurate to say that he became the most popular person in the tribe.
Females of the shapeshifter world are very scarce. They were as fragile as china, to the point that even a single touch could harm them. Therefore, everyone cared deeply about them. Basically, their every desire was a command, and the people in the tribe did everything they could to please them. As for the females, almost every last one of them was incredibly vain.
Although the shapeshifters are attracted to them by nature, sometimes they really aren't able to stand their overbearing tempers, and it can be a very tortured existence for them. Therefore, everyone both longs for and somewhat fears females.
However, Ah Yu is different. The tribe has never seen such a gentle and cute female!
If you didn't count Ah Yu's somewhat rude and unreasonable behavior in childhood, he has never been scolded for anything and was so gentle when he spoke. He had never shouted at anyone in the tribe at all!
And he also knew medicine, and often helped out the doctor! This is an almost unbelievable occurrence. All the females are prima donnas, they would never do such a thing.
Many shapeshifters have been treated by Ah Yu, and Ah Yu was always so patient when he talked to them, it's just so cute!
All the shapeshifters who had no companions in the tribe were exuberant. One after another rushed before Jiang Yu. Some gave him flowers as red as their faces, some gave him fruit, and some gave him the game they had caught.
It was just a shame that all of them were beaten out of the house by Ah Yu's dad*, whose face was as black as the bottom of a cooking pot. He simply couldn't stand all of his little Ah Yu's suitors!
(*female father, if that makes sense)

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