I pace around the room. I'm a complete and utter mess. I don't know why or how I got to feeling this way but, it's happening. I can't breathe, I can't think clearly. My mind is a whole jumbled mess of what-ifs. The voices that were once just tiny whispers in the back of my mind are now screechingly loud and take up as much space as possible within my subconscious. "What if it ends up like last time?" You'll be alone all over again" "This is why you don't let people in" "Don't trust anyone" "You were stupid to think this would work out." It's deafeningly loud in here. They keep reminding me that I've made a mistake with letting someone past my barriers. So, I truly begin to believe what they're saying to me. It'll just end up like the last one. People don't truly change. They keep saying "This is why we distance ourselves from everyone" "We do this, so we don't run the risk of getting hurt again," And I can't help but listen to them.
I'm stuck in here with them, and with no escape.
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