Poor Austin... Being the oldest is the hardest (Chapter 2)

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He tightened into the softness around him, starting to feel vulnerable in a type of way. Even though he was sleeping, Austin's sub-conscience kept nagging at him something was wrong for a lasting period of time. Though it started going away. Like that alarm was breaking from his mind as it was forgotten. 

Sadly, if he did remember. He would of wished he waked up to that alarm. But it was too late, the effects already progressed.

He yawned, stretching his arms wide. Squinting as he licked his lips to get the drool that developed overnight (Don't tell anyone). When opening his eyes, he experienced a sudden fright as he took in his surroundings.

It was a cave for sure. vines covering the walls, some hanging down from the ceiling. From what he could see in front of him a table was set up, and different snacks and, cakes! He'd be sure to eat those later. 

But back on topic, this wasn't his home. And the main fact that proved this was-- THE GIANT SCALY LIZARDS!

Soon out of nowhere, he was face to face with a black lizard. But was it even a lizard? Why did it have wings! It not one of those gliding ones that's for sure, how did those wings support its body weight.

The dragon nudged him in the stomach with his snout, knocking him onto his back "Owie!". he whined.

He hugged something he just noticed that was in his hands, it being fluffy was his first observation. and when he looked down, he was shocked that he wasn't shocked when realizing a teddy bear was in his hands the whole time. Why was that?

He glanced back over to the big lizard. And got up, backing away as he kept his eyes on it. And because his attention was focused all on the lizard just in case it didn't eat him. He wasn't prepared to trip onto someone.

"Ow!" the person yelped, getting up out of the sleeping bag she was in. and brushing off her oversized clothes. Now that he himself then realized, his clothes seemed too big for him. But still fit him in a comfortable way. And to add something he didn't notice the whole time, four other people close to his age were in the sleeping bags near him.

Two other boys got up at the yelp. The blue-haired   One seemed to scowl at the "normal", wake up. The other boy, who had white hair. Just had the biggest meh expression he'd ever seen.

The blue-haired kid spoke, displaying aggravation "WHY DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO BE SCREAMIN' Lemme sleeeeep!".

What is wrong with this guy? Austin perplexed. Covering his ears to prevent them from bleeding.

" well I was asleep as well, and he chose to trip over me!".  The girl objected, the aggravated kid gasped at her statement. 

He cringed. Already knowing he won't get along with her... At all.

He heard a groan in the background, and he sighed. Another one that will make him suffer... Great.

The younger kid sat up, staring at all of them for a long, and VERY awkward moment. He could barely see his eyes from the shaggy hair covering his face.

"Who are you?".

He wheezed.  Noticing that the child was probably around four or five. And had spoke PERFECT English!

He glanced over to the others. The girl seemed to be around six.

The other two kids, blue-haired one in particular. seemed to be six as well. Though the white-haired kid 

Austin himself took a moment to process the situation. He was 10... Well, he knew he was almost 11. The fact he remembered his birthday was approaching soon.

But that's not the point...!

He was the oldest one here. And that means he had to be the adult.

He wished at that very moment that his brother was there with him.


Finished finally! I don't really have any input besides my explanation for Austin being the oldest. I pretty much wanted to change the roles up. Because Austin is pretty much the " newbie' of the group. I just thought, why not make him the oldest of them? :3

Yea.. And i wanted to explore the relationship between kid bri and Austin. I wanted it to be more interesting.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

(I'm writing this on my phone at the moment, i finished the drawing in the previous chapter. And I'll add it in on my laptop later.)

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