being with you

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There was this boy in my english class named Austin. Incredibly tall. Lanky and beautiful. His eyes were this extreme shade of hazel. You could see the color in his eyes from across the room. This dark brown hair just  covered his forehead. I could pick up the slightest things about him, which sounds really creepy, but it's just what happens. When he's thinking he'll take his hand or his pencil and play with his hair. When he smiles, his face just lights up with the biggest smile and his eyes scrunch up. Whenever I stood next to him I just wanted to hug him and lean my head on his chest. He could never know that I feel this way, but I think he was taking a hint.

Today in English, out teacher instructed us to do an activity in the hall.  We all made our way out into the hall and started working. I was standing with one of my best friends getting the answers until a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me away.  It was Austin. He held my wrist all the way to the stair case and he hid under it. 

"Austin, what are you doing? Mrs. Lawlz is going to wonder where we are!" I say. I was honestly the most nervous person in the world right now.  

"Why?" he said. 

"She'll just notice!" We were both keeping our voices low.

"No, Bella. Forget about English. Why do you like me?" He sounded kind of angry. 

"Oh my god! Who told you?!" I yelled.

"Shhh!" He shushed me. I covered my mouth. I was starting to freak out in my head. He took my books out of my hand and put them on the ground. Only to come back up and grab both of my hands like cute couples would. I felt more safe just holding his hand. 

"Why?" he whispered.

And this is when I cracked.

"Look at you. You're beautiful. You're tall. Whenever I stand next to you all I want to do is hold you and burrow my face into you're chest. I want to be cute with you and give you my all, but I'm sure I speak for a lot of girls. I know I'm not the best for you and you could way so much better than me, but what I feel for you isn't going away. I know I'd make you happy; Happy is what you deserve to be. You don;t understand what I would give to just be with you. Just being here holding you're hand makes me confused because I never thought I was anything to you. " I let go of his hands and slide down the wall to my feet with my fingers running through the front of my hair. Tears running down my face. " But I know you feel nothing." 

He sat down right in front of me. He grabbed my hand that was on my head through my hair and held it was both of his hands.

"Hey, look at me," He said with a soft voice. "Don't you ever say you're not perfect for me because you are. And don't say I'll never feel the same because I do, I'm here. I don't care for the other girls. Since the start of school, you've always been on my mind. No one else. If anyone deserves to be happy it's you, because I know what you've been through and I just don't wanna see that shit anymore. Please stop crying."  

He let go of my hand and put his hands up to his eyes and started to fake cry. He was peaking at me through his fingers. I couldn't help but laugh. He was trying to make me smile and I can't lie it worked.

"Now come here." He said leaning in to me, staring at my lips...  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2012 ⏰

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