Day 22. Red Eyes in the Woods

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The crumbling walls of humanity stood behind me as I slowly backed away regret filling me at having past the walls that kept us safe from the creatures in the night. I am a pushover. It was obvious in this moment as I stood at the walls covered in scratch marks.

On the inside it looked clean. On the outside it spoke of how many times the creatures had tried to get in to maim and murder us. But the guardians keep it under covers quite well. But as I stood outside I now knew the truth of it.

Dread set in when I saw the sun nestle its way beneath the hills casting darkness upon the moist earth as I stood there. How stupid was I to take this bet but not in the day but at night? It was when they came out to sink teeth in and feed.

I took in a deep breath. There would be no way in through the front. . . I was going to have to either sleep out here or find another way in. All I could do was move.


The wall was locked firmly as I drifted through the trees.

The only sound being my breath which I tried to hold. The silence wasn't good as the crickets stopped when something came near. The nature was an alarm to us telling us when something bad was going to come and let its wrath down on us. Which made me even more terrified.

I looked around. I needed to get in and I could see a small defect in a nearby fence. The thought wasn't comforting that someone could get in but it was a savior for me. I looked around not seeing anything. And finally I moved forward but stopped as something landed behind me.

Fear gripped at me as I turned to see red eyes shining through the woods as fangs slid out and a rabid stepped forward. There was no contemplating it. I ran with hell chasing on me a screech coming from it alerting all the guardians and nearby rabbids as I ran.

It was luck that I slid through the fence just to have a guardian catch me. "You idiot!" He yelled at me as the rabid passed snarling. It looked so human except for its bloodthirsty eyes and fangs popping out dying to sink into me and get a taste.

The cries of rabbids sounded out. "Get to to the tunnels they're going to be scaling." And I didn't hesitate as I ran just as the rabid made its way over and upon the guardian it went as I ran praying I would make it out alive.

443. It's alright not the best but hope you guys enjoyed it! * * *

 It's alright not the best but hope you guys enjoyed it! * * *

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