Chapter 1

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Harry- It's been three day ago since I listened into Ron's and Hermione argument, Ron believe that male's can't lactate unless they have been pregnant and Hermione thinks the opposite and me even though I didn't but in, is curious. I sigh putting the right food on my plate that I needed to help while the potion which I made is within my drink. I eat before downing my drinks, I feel a sharp little tingle in my chest. I smile standing up walking out know I had to go to bed for the rest of the potion to take effect aka I want to sleep during the painful part. I felt my pj's on leaving the pain potion knowing it wouldn't work if I too that. I lay down smiling thinking 'I don't know why I am happy or want it to happen to me or why I am doing this to be self but I am glad no matter what' I though before falling asleep.

I wake up (still harry) feeling like my chest is different. I look down seeing my chest is huge knowing these boobs are bigger than I have seen on the other girls not that I am interested in girls or anything. I get up seeing all the other boy's curtains shut, I grab my things including the training bra I ordered for me. I go in getting changed before walking out down the start to the common room seeing Hermione sitting there alone with the book "you know you where right about the lactation thing about Male's being able to lactate they can do it both by food and potion either one or the other or like me both"

Hermione- I hum looking up my eyes widen "Harry what have you done"

Harry- "to prove your point to Ron"

Ron- I walk down dress with the other boys while rubbing my eyes, I look standing still "Harry what have you done to your self you have tits"

Harry- "proving the argument you had with Hermione the other day"

Ron- "you going to get read of them, you have proved the point mate"

Harry- "nope" I turn walking towards the door

Ron- "wait what but mate that's not"

Harry- "what natural all because you believe that being gay is wrong well all your brothers are gay except for Bill and Percy they are Bi and Ginny his Bi also or else she wouldn't of had sex with some girls" I say turning to look at them at the same time

Ron- I look to Ginny "Ginny is that true"

Ginny- I blush "it is Ron"

Ron- "it's wrong what about money, the power and whole marry Potter thing?"

Ginny- I huff standing up storming up to him getting in his face "it's wrong what you Hermione, Mother and Dumbledore are doing are wrong"

Harry- I blink "wait what's going that I don't know about"

Ron- I growl out "Ginny don't!"

Ginny- I turn to Harry "Dumbledore has been using your seat to magic him the chief warlock and Dumbledore has been stealing money and giving it to your family to hurt you, to Ron and Hermione to spy on you and to mother for helping with the motherly act and all they even made a contract making both me and you to marry but every time they tried it went all wrong now Hermione, Ron, mother and Dumbledore have to marry each other all because I am in love and I can tell that you are gay"

Harry- "I am Gay" I turn to look at Ron and Hermione "how dare you steal from me, I am so going to pay you back for this and I mean it" I say letting my magic out around the room. I growl storming out apparating out of Hogwarts into Gringotts hearing people including Goblins gasps

That day I had everything sorted out no Dumbledore stealing or using my seat, no more manipulations used on me or potions other than the potions I used on myself.


Sorry if it's weird but I hoped you liked it


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