"Oh! Belgium sent you huh?"
The blonde nods "Oui! Ma soeur et son frère, both female and male representatives of Holland, didn't want me to go!"
[Name] raises an eyebrow
"But, of course, Belgium insisted! And I wanted to meet her dear best friend too!"
A smile graces [Name's] face as a giggle escapes her lips "That's really like her!"
Then she tilts her head to the side "But what will I call you? I'd be too confused if I call you Belgium!"
"Just call me by my human name!" He chuckled "My name is Nicolas by the way!"
"Well nice to meet you, Nicolas!"
Grabbing the handle of [Name's] luggage, another chuckle escapes Nicolas' mouth "Nice to meet you too, [Nickname]!"
"Wait! I didn't know you or Bel could speak French!" Stopping, she tilted her head to the side-cutely, Nicolas thought-as he looked at her to the side "She's never spoke French! I mean, if you're the male version of her! Shouldn't she be able to do everything you do?"
Nicolas just grinned 'She's too cute~!'
【✈Traveling the World in ❺④ Days】
Fanfiction"I want to beat the world's record for traveling around the world!" [Name] vowed to herself "And with the help of my country friends, I can totally do it!"