Snow Day

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Steve had never enjoyed the snow. Ever since the war, since losing Bucky for the first time, since crashing the plane in the ice, he'd felt a certain anxiety when ever the subject in question appeared. However, when Carol came barreling into his room, eyes sparkling with excitement, practically begging him to come outside with her, it was difficult to say no.

"Steve! It's snowing!" she chirped, childlike wonder laced in her tone.

Steve—who was leaning back against the mahogany headboard of his bed, a book in his hands—glanced up from his reading material and raised an eyebrow.

"I noticed."

She moved around to the side of the bed and leaned over him, putting her face so close to his that he could count every fleck of gold residing in her soft brown eyes.

"Come outside with me!"

Steve simply looked back to his book and turned the page.

"Not right now."

The smile on her face faltered a bit, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for being the cause.

"Pleeease?" she tried again, pulling out her notorious puppy eyes

Shit. I can't say no to that.

Forcing himself to look away, he shook his head again.

"Go ask Wanda or Nat."

"Nat's out and Wanda's with Vision."

"Ask Peter then."

"But I want to hang out with you!"

"You're welcome to hang out here, but I'm kind of bus." He told her, holding up his book.

Carol narrowed her eyes and he instantly regretted not just immediately agreeing to go with her despite his anxieties.

He was in trouble now.

She fixed him with her best "I-Am-Carol-Danvers-You-Shall-Do-As-I-Say" glare, and snatched the book out of his hands.

"Steven Rogers you are coming outside with me and that's final."

Annoyed with her actions, he gave her a sideways glower.

Oh, two can play at this game Danvers.

"I was reading that."

"Yeah? Well reading is for losers."

"Oh really? Well, playing in the snow," he grabbed onto Carol's arm and yanked her down into the bed with him as he spoke, "is for children."

Carol let out a small squeak of surprise as she tumbled down onto the mattress, and he rolled over, pinning the other captain to the soft surface. She blew a strand of honey blonde hair out go her face and glared up at him.

"Hello there Captain Gorgeous." He teased as she struggled to free herself.

"Flattery gets you nowhere Rogers." she growled back.

Steve tilted his head to the side and gazed thoughtfully at her.

"Well it seems to work on you Ms. Danvers."

Carol huffed at his observations, "Get off me Stove."

He chuckled at the childish insult.

"Not a chance Carl." Steve whispered, falling back onto his side and trapping the smaller captaining his embrace.

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